Beating DH/X as Disc/Arms?

Could anyone share some advice on beating DH/X as Disc (me)/Arms?

DH/another dps isn’t too bad, we’re winning almost all of these. But DH/any healer we’re getting beat consistently - granted our plays in general likely need some work (we’re hovering around 1950-2000) but is there any general strategy advice into this to help us?

I’ve tried playing both fully aggressive and fully defensive/mana saving builds (I much prefer the offensive build though), neither seem to work.

Generally we are losing on mana, with the DH just putting out so much pressure that I can’t keep us up. Warr has tried both DH and their healer as kill targets, doesn’t seem to matter what we do we’re like 25% win rate into it.

Any advice appreciated, cheers.

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General ways to stuff DHs and alleviate pressure is to deny demonic windows.

So disarms and stormbolts on every eyebeam, care tho cus they can glimpse to remove disarms.

Mitigate/avoid big meta for as long as possible, make favorable trades and I’d use MC very liberally

I think running Night Fae might be your best bet for an additional 20% wall and mana to cope. The spec is a hose of damage and without roots you’re just going get ran at


Have your warrior train the dh, kicking or otherwise interrupting every eyebeam, while you line of sight the enemy healer, so dh can’t chase you and still get healed so has to get off of you.

And go night fae + bwonsamdi leggo and use it for mana regen.

If you want you can record your games and show me happy to review.
Otherwise this is the only recent high mmr game vs dh I can find (they’re pretty rare on the ladder).
https ://


Go kyrian disc and try to solo whatever DPS get on you.