Beast Mastery in PVP

The only viable option currently is to forgoe CDs such as bloodshed and call of the wild in order to optimize the number of KC’s and dire beasts. Theres no burst, but the constant damage will save you from always being last place DPS if u get lucky and summon enough beasts

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Something truly funny about seeing 50 beasts mauling a caster :rofl::rofl:

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Guy said if you like BM then play BM and don’t listen to meta slaves. You can still reach all your goals.


BM is all about keeping up big pressure. Use everything, all the time, as soon as you can. Stay near pillar vs range, kite the off target if they’re going you… we have so many tools to do it. If it’s 2 casters, line one while you’re hitting the other. Never stop doing damage. Never. Stop. Doing. Damage. Ideally you trap healer on cd, but don’t risk dying to do so.

You win with the pressure built up during healer traps forcing the enemy team to use more cds more quickly than your team. If you’re still alive when call of the wild comes up again, you’ve probably won.

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I think bms ok in pvp probably b+tier still i just think its funny and wierd to say if your not trying to be the best and just average then bms good.

Every spec is good if you have low goals that doesnt make it actually good though. Something is only good when its viable at the top of the top. If its not then refer to to it for what it is “average”, “better than average”, “bad”,

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I accept your point of view and wish you much luck and love.

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Same for you. It was just funny how you wrote that gave me a kick.

Im just impatient and ready to see what tuesday brings with the changes.


and neither work against other classes because their burst and survivabilty are superior.

I have been maining BM since 2006 (was MM tri spec from 2004 to 2006) and I have never seen it this bad. Plate classes out heal my damage like they have pocket healers. Going up against a shadow priest or AFF lock is even worse.

BM used to 1v1 great, now its a complete joke. To suggest I need to run with a feral is saying nothing more than BM needs someone to carry it.

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I read the patch notes for BM that will be coming out, but from what I am reading (and the vibe I’m hearing from others) it’s not going to go from current state to a supreme one-shotting S-tier. I’m still excited to test the changes out though to see for myself.

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The Single target Kill Commands have def improved from my testing in the PTR. Not too sure about the Cobra shot talents…they don’t feel that great in PvP.

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If you’re being beat 1v1 consistently idk if it’s a spec thing I hate to say lol.

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Lol I’m sure 99.999% of the time it’s a me thing lol

Except I have never had this issue…in TWENTY YEARS until this expansion.

Try again troll.

Idk I think you’re just doing it wrong lol

Played it in some BGs today with the new Dark Ranger talents. Was doing between 150-200 mil with 10-15 killing blows using the single target builds the top Blitz guys are running l so no beast cleave/kill cleave pad. Lots of black arrow damage, I’m an MM main so I’m mostly in mastery PvP gear and I’m still getting lots of procs. Felt like Venthyr BM from shadowlands all over again, I like it so far.


I dont see how people are saying BM isnt meta when the only hunters we saw in AWC were all BM…i do not recall seeing a single MM hunter.

Because it was nerfed in multiple ways since then

Just got back into it and we lack utilities. It gets tiring throwing all traps around. I mean we are about as mid as you can get so u cant complain or be proud. just meh. But i find myself trying my hardest to use my tool kit and its just slowing enemies and trying to place an ice trap over and over again

How long did you have to scroll to find a random post to necro?