Beast Mastery Hunter Class Set Tuning – March 8

because the devs have no idea what they’re doing

“kill command cleaves during beast cleave”
such a simple fix.


Indeed. And it’s really not even seen yet, but it will be when people start getting 4pc bonuses: We will be literally 15-18% BEHIND the MIDDLE of the pack and 22% behind the top spec in the game. And that’s just on single target. Obviously we will be a LOT lower on aoe.

I don’t understand their logic, like at all. But, that may be a fault on my part: Assuming there’s logic to this fix (that doesn’t actually FIX anything) or assuming there is logic to the 4pc bonus for Venthyr BM (because it is mechanically broken (non-functional)).


If they want it to fit a theme, just add “Critical Kill Commands now Cleave to X additional targets”.


this what we going to have to work with blizz? or are you fixing this hot mess?


Kinda early in the year to be letting the interns make tuning passes…this one is a :poop:


It is not fun being C tier in M+ and C tier in Sepulcher.


Still no love. This is gunna be a real fun 12 months on my hunter.


There was a Fury Blue post very recently… ‘inhaling mass amounts of copium’ blue post may come for bm :disappointed_relieved:

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Hahaha. I think we all know that Blizzard will respond by reverting the change and asking us if we’re happy now. Instead of, you know, accepting what they were told that this makes all of the covenants more or less bad by acquiring the set.

I have to admit, it is truly inspiring to see Blizzard manage to come up with a tier set that actually makes each covenant weaker in some way.

I don’t expect for a minute that we’ll see an improvement. Especially not one that allows the tier set to be used by Venthyr hunters. Which means I’m going to be unhappy anyway, because I don’t want to play Night Fae, but I’d rather not use the Multishot uselessness than have to trade KC and KS.


Rerolling Rogue I guess


Hey all it’s your favorite hunter legolaso . I’m loving 9.2 right now ! Timing keys and being a monster BM hunter . Not surprised ! Can’t wait for my tier set so I don’t have to worry about beast cleave anymore. Great passive aoe increase

I . . . I really hope that the dude above me just forgot the /s. Otherwise, that is the most blatantly obvious shill in the world.

Just . . . please have been sarcasm.


Is it April 1 yet? Seriously though give BM some freaking worthwhile AE already. This bonus is … not good.


One is left with no doubt that no dev actually plays a BM hunter


if beast cleave added some sort of bleed effect then this would of been much better. its funny how that for the majority of pets that got sharp teeth and claws one would think they could add a bleed effect during their beast cleave. that would single handedly make bm aoe A tier even S


I literally made one. Let’s see if they nerf me now. Or maybe I should go mage since they seem to never get put in a place where their AOE is optional.

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If mages were as low on aoe as beastmastery and as low on single target as beastmastery, there would be a riot and Blizzard’s HQ would be a pile of smoking rubble from fireballs and (ironically) blizzards. It would be terrifying.

Yet, somehow it is acceptable here.

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I’m an optimist with respect to using psi to win, but this system of beast mastery (with or without the ridiculousness of the wild spirits ~ 50% of overall damage buff for over dotting auto shotter noobs who don’t know how to play the game properly…i have screenshots fwiw!) is a TOTAL failure for the following blatantly obvious reasons:

  1. our worst stat (15% baseline apparently, i hope this is confusing btw) is MASTERY
  2. kill command does LESS DAMAGE than COBRA SHOT.
  3. the set bonus seems to be steering people into increasing what will likely be an epic failure with one exception: wild spirits via spirit attunement

so good luck trying to find a better player out there, because with your huge damage buff from a cursed covenant constantly drained of physical life-force via psychotronic weaponry you will never attune to), even with all your guildies giving you a fun run with a key you will probably be blamed for ruining way more than i am right now as a top 10 bm venthyr hunter IN THE ENTIRE WORLD practically, because i read tank notes and know what to do to the point where even if i am tired and make mistakes I still contribute twice as much as you ever will most weeks you are scared to play with or without your peeps in discord which i don’t need and haven’t used more than once to swear at everyone that kicked me from the Sylvanas Heroics i couldn’t get into in the first place because noone wanted a bm player in that raid to begin with, especially on that boss.

Mages don’t deserve timewarp at this time, they are so overpowered and arrogant not to mention rude and the development is to blame for all of this, they couldn’t throw us one measly bone like increased haste or decreased cast time for dismissing pets jeez man do you have any idea HOW difficult it is to pug a mythic plus with a tank you have never seen play as a beastmaster hunter?

If I were on the beast master team, i would have created a way for them to be rewarded for trapping (focus granted AND increased damage for 3 seconds, maybe even 8 seconds every single time a trap is laid), auto healing every time move pet is used, reduced cooldown on intimidation as well.

You ruined this game in it’s entirety for beast mastery to the point where i have no interest in playing the game further other than getting a few measly points as the only venthyr beast master just to smear crud on everyone’s heads in particular every time they log on to check their score or see mine in the streets of dalarn, which is where i love to linger and play with certain toys in particular because this game is dead for all things beast mastery related with or without the “script” you left in place all this time so a complete MORON could stand there and “win” on a damage meter while standing in mire up to their elbows and getting high fives by the team on the way out - something i never got no matter how much i contributed, even with 3 battle resurrections by myself to save everyone’s life that didn’t want me there because they already had haste and thought i was marksman based on my io score.

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Might not be a popular opinion, but someone has to be the bottom and it just by chance it’s our turn. Also check out other class forums, everyone is calling out developers to buff their spec/class.

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I think what most people want is a better balance between all the classes/specs. It wouldn’t be so bad to be on the bottom if the difference wasn’t 20+%