Beards... a look at WoW Common Sense

Why was Vol’jin the only Darkspear Troll that could have a beard? I mean… that kind of badassery deserves a beard, but trolls should have that option in his honor if nothing else. Night elves have the lusciousness going and trolls can’t even get a creeper stache other than VJ.

Why can’t undead have beards? They can have hair… so was it common practice in Lordaeron to shave dead people’s faces before putting them in the ground? I doubt it. You can have an optional jaw… but if the jaw is there, it should be able to have hair. Good grief… a missing jaw has epic mustache opportunity written all over it!

Why can a Goblin have a full stubble but not a full beard? They literally have the beard tied to the hair style with 0 facial hair options. Come on…

It is ironic that the orcs have the largest real estate by far between the mouth and nose without having the ability for a mustache, but at least they have beard options. I’ll take it.

The wolf, bear, and cow can have beards, but the fox can’t even get a little tuft (or ANY options on that front… but don’t get me started on lack of customizations for the fuzzies… or lack of customization options in GENERAL).

Also… if you can make helms around tusks or fit the noggies of cows (even poorly)… having a beard look relatively proper shouldn’t be that much of an issue. “Oh, you want to display that helm? No problem… just pass me that razor.” … … What? This ain’t the Yankees.

I know there is a TON that needs fixed in this game and beards seem trivial… but it is a great example of little things long overdue that can make a difference…

Open all classes to all races. We’re on expansion number 113 at this point. Enough time has passed to teach a frickin’ Hozen to be a paladin, much less an undead or worgen with direct ties to humans (mind you, both can play Holy priests). Think of the storylines from some of these expansions. We’re fighting and experiencing things in alternate realities… and we can’t teach a gnome to be a shaman when gobbos can and gnomes have been shacked up with dwarven shaman for how long?

But… what am I supposed to expect when we can’t even get beards.


Just want to point out… Dwarven Shaman are canonically Wildhammer Clan Dwarves who live primarily in Aerie Peak or the Twilight Highlands.

Gnomes live in Ironforge, mostly, with the Bronzebeard Clan.

Other than that… More customization options are always better.

Begins flexing and posing to show of their beard while holding up their Ironforge Beard Growers Championship Honorable Mention Award Plaque.


Fun fact: I actually never noticed that Vol’jin had a beard. I fail. :rofl:


Superior voodoo.

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Yes, more facial hair options for all

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Because hair stops growing when you die?

I’m with ya on this. Goblins have one of the weakest custom options in the game.

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…scowls in Steinbrenner


Beards are spit and food collectors. Gross. :face_vomiting:

There’s art of a Amani warrior with a glorious red beard as well.

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Nathanos still had his facial hair after becoming Undead


And convenient napkins, don’t forget that excellent bit of utility.

As a beard haver in game and irl, yes.

More the mustache than the beard in my experience. I wash after meals regularly.

I see that you are well versed in Lordaeron funeral traditions.


Forget all the calls for body sliders, give me a beard slider.


And sometimes, a nest for little birdies!

wait he has a beard?


Pepe hiding spot for the real big beards? I think so. Blizz is totally missing a unique opportunity (cough dwarves cough).

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Why does Vol’jin have big ears?

That’s not fair.

Totally get where you’re coming from on the Wildhammers. However, the council of Three Hammers could easily have impacted the overall cultural encounters/overlaps with Bronzebeards, Dark Irons, and Gnomes given the time lapse since the council’s formation.