Bear Tank Lack of Threat

I’m sure this has been posted many times. But I couldn’t find a recent thread so I’m posting this.

I’m ilvl 223. I’m spec’d Bear Druid. I spam every ability, I even pop berserk. No matter what I try, any other tank comes along and rips threat right off. Can someone confirm for me if this is happening to them as well? Is blizz planning on fixing this? Please let me know.

Sadly, Druids damage output in guardian is quite low compared to other tanks, which is why they are on the lower side of threat, compared to others.

The difference in my threat generation between my Prot paladin and Guardian druid is pretty staggering. Druids can take much more abuse though, so I guess it’s a trade-off.

it happens to me as well. I’m 225 on my bear

not likely. my co-tank likes to say it’s paybacks for how good we were in legion.

I was raiding with a bear that I pulled threat off all the time, it got to a point that I would just stand back and do nothing just so he could generate some initial threat.

I’m in a new guild now with another bear of a similar ilvl to the other one, I have never had issues with him losing threat to me, so I have no idea what is really going on here.

I mean, whats the point of being able to take such punishment, if you dont get it?

Seems counter productive.

I also struggle to hold agroo from time to time with my Prot War, specially if the DPS attack the instant i pull the group, Prot War main way to get agroo is with Revenge, but it costs rage that is needed to survive.

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I’m pretty certain Blizz wanted to bring back ‘wait for 3 sunders’, I have to drop my 2 keg smashes to get a good hold on a pack, but every time I run in and pull, the dps pop off and the pack splits in all directions so I can’t hit them all with either keg, it’s incredibly annoying.

So I’m casually working on a Vengeance DH alt right now, it’s around 174 iLvL.

What I find hilarious is that, despite having no gear, it (…strangely) doesn’t seem to have any issues holding aggro off of 215+ dpsers in Heroics and M0s, this thing is so busted :rofl: :rofl:

Meanwhile on my Bear Druid (geared), I often see the “losing threat” warning flash over mob nameplates when playing with those same 215-220+ dpsers.

It sounds like a joke, but it’s true :laughing:


Sounds pretty unbearable. But if you paws to think about it, does this look threatening to you? Your enemies are not impressed!

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Our Mythic SLG progression has been hindered somewhat by having only a single hunter to Misdirect for our tanks (and no rogues). Our Guardian has a lot of issues grabbing all of the adds and holding them, so it feels like druid snap AoE is weak at times. Unfortunately, it’s not a fight you can hold back for very long.

The secret is to go Venthyr and abuse Incarn + Ravenous Frenzy while thrash pants make you immortal.
Then make the dps sad when you out dps them on mega pulls.

And then cry because now you’re locked into guardian due to your covenant choice.

I can’t say I’ve noticed an issue with threat, but the only content I ever do where another tank is present is raid and I’m 100% positive that has more to do with a weak co-tank than it is me somehow knowing the secret to bear threat management.

Our damage is definitely lower than any other tank, even with the UFR lego. I’d love to see a thrash damage conduit added. I feel like that alone would do wonders for our damage.

Even blood dks? :thinking:

aren’t bear tanks are on the top 3 interm of dps. You do need some time to get your bleeds going but soon as you have them up it’s hard to pull off you

Thanks all for getting back to me. I feel better knowing I’m not the only one seeing this.