Bear tank is still very weak

the warrior cooldowns are terrible. like really really bad. last stand is the only good one. but thats in the prot tree, 10min cd.

I don’t play Druid tank but One thing I can say I never see them.

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its decent especially in dungeons.

Not by comparision it really isn’t. A paladin can 4 pull every wing of SM and out threat two mages doing 650+ DPS on burst while leveling and it only goes up from there.

When comparing tanks to only tanks, warrior is really behind. It just doesn’t feel that bad even though it kinda is because it’s still better than it was.

You don’t see them because of the issues outlined in the OP post. They’re arguably the worst tank right now. Even rogues are better.

so I will say that I agree swipe is pretty borked up and adjustments would be super welcome.

But, when Bear tanks can grab the talent that allows for crits to give you additional rage back… and when our crit scales up more, you can actually get pretty much unlimited rage while spamming swipe if you crit enough/generate enough rage from other hits. It has some value, but definitely agree I would like it looked at


It doesn’t help very much. You’re still ragestarved, still have no AoE threat and your ST threat requires ramp-up which is very bad on trash mobs.

And when you are “spamming swipe”, you’re doing almost no damage and almost no threat. It literally does 36 (THIRTY SIX) damage, and that’s before armor reduction. And has no threat modifier at all. No attack power scaling either, so it always does the same damage no matter how geared you are.

There is NO value to Swipe right now. It is genuinely one of, if not THE worst ability in the game.

Pretty sure the spent only 15mins designing feral runes

I mean I’m speaking from experience of tanking all throughout the initial classic launch.

We are still low level and thus rage scaling is a problem… although I’d bet it will be better and better each phase.

Also, swipe does have a threat modifier according to wowhead… it just isn’t very good still because of the low damage. But I will say, I was very effectively tanking in the past (although now dps from other classes has increased) by just spamming swipe and tab target mauling. I could literally not run out of rage and threat was very sticky, but that could probably be attributed to extra crit from world buffs.

It is definitely nice to have the game balanced around the current level cap, but I’m just saying it really wasn’t all the bad in the first go around. I’m hopeful things will get better with gear.


Unfortunately the entire druid tanking rune situation is busted.

Survival of the fittest and windfury sharing the same slot is complete stupidity.

Im of the mind they didnt actually finish the druid runes. They are all in an alpha state but the team ran out of time so they just threw them out there.

This isn’t “initial classic”, it’s SoD.

DPS output has been increased dramatically, but bear threat did not increase to match.


it’s terrible, the moment the hunter opens up his damage on every pull mobs run to him, the moment the paladin presses divine storm he becomes the tank now.

and bear does no damage, like none. my warrior at level 34 even with bad loot is able to super pump and reach 500+ dps burst on packs and sit around high 200s because of his superior aoe and he just has so much rage during every pack so even if a mob looks at the healer I can always sunder it once or twice. Or just completely crush it into dust with damage. Bear has none of this.

Rogues have the same problem.

Cause they dont have aggro and are not getting hit maybe

mangle and lacerate being same slot is worse

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or cause they have high mitigation and 20% damage reduction

A big part of it is Bears are forced to be what the original Developers thought tanks should be in Vanilla. Its as if youre a warrior, you hit defensive stance and you switch to prot talents, prot gear and youre stuck. Every other class can psuedo tank giving up survivability for talents and damage. Bears cant.

When a warrior is Fury and two hand tanking the bear is going to take less damage. The bear is also going to do way less damage and generate way less threat.

yea this one makes no sense

no sane bear is running the 20% DR rune, mostly because it shares a slot with windfury

horde bears are :slight_smile: