Beacon and/or Tower of Radiance Bugged?

With the (re)introduction of talent trees, I notice that the Beacon tooltip doesn’t mention anything about generating Holy Power when Flash / Holy Light are cast at targets with Beacon. In fact, you will not generate Holy Power by casting at your Beacon target.

However, once you pick up Tower of Radiance, suddenly the Beacon tooltip displays the extra bit about generating Holy Power when Flash / Holy Light are cast on targets with Beacon.

Tower of Radiance, however, simply states that casting Flash / Holy Light will generate Holy Power, regardless of Beacon. And in fact, you will generate Holy Power when casting these spells whether the target has Beacon or not.

My question is this: Is the intention that Tower of Radiance should allow all casts of Flash / Holy Light to generate Holy Power, and casts at targets with Beacon to generate 2 Holy Power? If so, this is not happening. Once you pick up Tower of Radiance, you will only generate 1 Holy Power per cast of Flash / Holy Light, whether casting at a Beacon target or not.

Not a bug, baseline Beacon lost the HP generating ability when the the DF trees were created, and added back in the form of Tower of Radiance. Commanding Light was also separated out. Had to talent into them to regain the functionality.

Similar to how AW lost the 20% crit chance but was brought back with AW:M.

Sort of. It looks like that was the intention, but go read Tower of Radiance. It mentions nothing about Beacon. It simply states that casting Flash of Light or Holy Light will generate 1 Holy Power. And that’s how it works in practice. Whether you cast at a Beacon target or not, Flash / Holy Light will generate 1 Holy Power.

The oddity is that when you choose Tower of Radiance, Beacon gains additional text on its tooltip that states that casting Flash / Holy Light at the target of your Beacon will generate 1 Holy Power. This makes it seem like another 1 Holy Power should be generated when casting at Beacon targets in addition to the 1 that’s already generated when casting at any target.

So should this additional text be removed? Or should we generate 2 Holy Power when casting at Beacon targets?

It was iterated on several times throughout DF. That direct heal beacon for hp was removed after the rework. It was there prior. Not necessary now that fol/hl generate hp naturally with the talent.

So, yeah maybe a tooltip issue.

Seems like the text is just carried over from when Tower of Radiance required these spells to be cast on your Beacon to guarantee a holy power (and only gave a chance at generating HP if not cast on Beacon target). Now that Tower of Radiance makes these spells always generate HP, the text on Beacon is redundant. It is definitely not intended to generate 2HP every time you cast Flash on a Beacon target.

idk but this talent always confused me because essentially you dont want to be healing the beacon target directly it kind of seems counterintuitive to do this since you’re supposed to be healing someone other than the beacon target but maybe with beacon nerf it is different now.

edit nvm thought this was cata