I have both a male BE DH and a male NE DH. I have the say the difference between the two is like night and day, and not just because they are difference races. The NE DH has about 3 different combat noises that all sound pretty much the same. I can’t say the same for my BE DH. My BE DH has 3 or 4 different combat noises that actually sound different from each other, and a couple of them are very vicious sounds, almost karate chop noises. BE DH combat noises greatly trump NE DH combat noises IMHO.
But shadowmeld…
I would do anything to be a night elf horde demon hunter.
Shadow meld, 2% dodge, and 1% haste/Crit depending on time of day is way better than 1% Crit and arcane torrent when I already have a purge as demon hunter.
Let me have the player agency to choose my faction!
Imagine playing a blood elf based off the sounds they make in combat.
People listen to the game? I usually am either listening to music or watching some show.
And NE. Don’t get me wrong I miss Arcane Torrent by being a BE, but consume magic at least helps with losing that, plus Shadowmeld.
You can mute those noises with addons and add whatever sound effects you want
I use blackhands sound effects cause theyre so much cooler
Fyi might be a lot more work now since blizz messed with sound files
↑ This. If I don’t have a movie going, then Pandora is playing some sweet tunes.
As for BE vs NE, NE because I play Alliance about 99.3% of the time.
Quickly do we forget the blood elf Uldir meta.
You guys hear about the new night elf racial? Shadow melt.
F that tree
That is all
Probably a good thing people don’t listen to BElf sounds, particularly male’s, since they’re just recycled orc female sounds.
PS: Since they took out the racial silence of Belf, is this really a choice? Not to mention you have to be a 35% offset character and horde. Nope, thanks.
PSS: ‘Shadow melt’ was always a racial, it happens when we focus intently on someones panties…
We still have an intact capital, ye homeless bum.
“In tact” is a really strong descriptor for Silvermoon.
I mean, it’s better than the lump o’ charcoal y’all used to call home
If i remember right, silvermoon is half-a-lump-of-charcoal.
I do agree that beats our entire-lump-of-charcoal
I like the NE sounds more personally. They’re more subtle. BE is constantly screeching and growling.
Naw, just has a crispy line down the center. The two side halves are just fine!
Oh, my bad. Carry on
Same here, I wanna be a nelf in horde
Belf > Nelf