Be demanding. Whatcha want in 10.0?

  • New specs
  • Proper spec balance and reworks for almost every spec
  • Overhaul of talent system
  • Glyphs added back
  • Legendries like SL but not needing to do torghast to be able to get them, and the base items are insanely expensive.
  • New garrisons that double as player housing
  • Good story and lots of it
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Remove store from game. Remove wow tokens and boosts also. Let people who want store to play on different server and buy whatever they want.
Boob slider

I’m just going for broke here, I don’t actually expect any of this.

I want to see them de-cataclyse the world, like, make it heal up and be more like it was pre-cata but with flight and higher res. They could even shuffle all the quests around again to make leveling through Azeroth fresh. That’s what I’d most like to see, but the game is probably too far past it’s prime for that kind of attention.

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Stronger/brighter weapon illusions. Or maybe a bright/dim toggle.

What 10.0 Needs to be a Sucsess.

Cross Faction PvE.
Focus on Azeroth.
Meta Progression available from All content. Raiding, PvP, Mythic +

What I want from 10.0
New Class. (Tinker)
Finally going to Undermine since It was Talked about in WoW’s Early conceptual days.
Deal with some Pre-Established villains instead of Creating a new one. Please.

More 2-way communication with developers, and at the very least, a public vision for what Blizzard wants WoW to be.

Draenei every class.