I wanted to post this around pride month but I lost track of time. I want to take an opportunity to warn people about a LGBT+ guild, The Ancients Misbehaving. They are advertised as an lgbt friendly guild, social, causal with no drama and a safe place for players but that is far from the truth. I was apart of the guild for over a year, a former officer and unfortunately had a horrible experience. The co-gm constantly bullies other guildies and from my experience caused me and several others to cry from their remarks and made others genuinely want to avoid them in chat from fear of getting made fun or talked down to. Another guildie and I were made uncomfortable by another’s unwanted flirtatious comments. When these issues were brought to the attention of the GM they went ignored. The GM later admitted they ignored them because they didn’t want to believe this was happening in their guild. You truly felt like you couldn’t bring any problems up to anyone because nothing will be done about it. Then you’ll feel completely outcasted afterwards. There’s another member who is/was an officer but is still currently in the guild who made fun of my mental health and completely brought me down about it to the point where I almost had to be hospitalized because of it. I’m sure the guild is aware of this incident since it happened after I had left but even if they did I feel they wouldn’t anything about and continue to house someone who may belittle others mental health in the guild. Which is ironic considering the GM is a huge mental health advocate. Also if you make friends in the guild and want to have private conversations with friends outside of Guild discord chat, it’s apparently not allowed. I made a friend there and we got very close and when we started talking about life and private matters, we did so in private calls and through the phone, as we felt this wasn’t ok for regular discord chat but apparently it offended the co-gm and the gm and told us we had to stop having private conversations because other felt left out which made no sense to us. So in all, be careful when looking for an LGBT friendly guild. They may seem nice from the outside but they’re not. Are they lgbt+ friendly yes, are the helpful yes, but I say if you are in this guild or still plan to join if just be casual in the guild and don’t get close to any of the officers, co-gms, or gm. These are just my experiences and my thoughts on the guild.
I’m sorry for your experience, hang in there, Friend.
Thank you.
I am still friends with the main GM on Facebook (if it’s still who I think it is) and am still in the guild on an alt. That comment about not being able to have convos and such outside the group is bs on their part since I could talk to them on messenger whenever I wanted to. Unless things have changed that much…
hugs I hope you found a better guild.
Well I’m unsure how it was/is with others but for me and the friend I made through the guild it felt personal. We were constantly online playing and at the same time we would be either in a private discord voice chat or through the phone chatting privately about our real life situations and stuff and then that friend told me that they were told for us to instead have our convos in the public discord voice chat that way others wouldn’t feel left out. Which we both found confusing because how are others feeling left out of our private conversations? That kinda bothered me and made me feel like I wasn’t allowed to chat with my friend private. Hopefully this clarifies anything. I don’t know if they ever did this with anyone else but it’s just what happened to me. And thanks, I’m still looking for a guild but at the moment I’m just kinda running around in game waiting for the new patch.