Be careful NEW hacker scheme

They are zeroing out gold on trades to get items. Seen it on multiple websites.

Don’t trade with any low level.
Don’t trade with any weird names.

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That’s not “hacking”.

That’s not “new”.

Just look at the trade window before you accept the trade, kids. It’s not hard.

PS: don’t trade for any gift wrapped items.


hacking like it says 1k gold but you get 0

or scamming like you accepted 0g because they switched it out at the last second

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Guys I got hacked. See what happened was this Nigerian prince needed money to transfer his gems to the US and then he was gonna give me half of them when he got here but I wired him the money and now I can’t get ahold of him! Straight outta IRobot.




Yea that’s not hacking. That’s literally a 15 year old scam. You never go green first with randos, thats trade 101.

For what it’s worth you can report them. You won’t get your gold/item back but they’ll lose what they gained and possibly get a suspension


I did pretty well with my Nigerian prince. I don’t have to worry about the 1,000 gold a week I’m spending on consumables, anyway.

WelI I question your ethics.


The problem is that the deal is altered while the window is green.


What I see in that video is someone with the technical wherewithal to record a video, upload that video, but not the ability to examine the trade window, confirm, then wait during a forced three count before confirming again.

At this point I’m rooting for the scammer.

But before the forced countdown/confirmation.

It clearly isn’t. He confirms the trade and a split second before he does they change the item out and hit green. Like NG just said… its super preventable. You wait for them to go green, wait a couple seconds to check for shenanigans, then you click trade. Particularly if you’re trading 100’s or 1000’s of gold, seems a small check to make.


Yea… Particularly since he’s posting from an alt clearly made for the sole purpose of purge-griefing, I definitely don’t feel bad for the OP.

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This is why you ask for the gold upfront, then give them the items. Or COD the items to them. If they don’t, you get the item back. Heck, can even use that recording to get them banned(?) somewhat if you show them the chat log also in a way.

just want to clarify that this isn’t hacking, you just happened to get scammed.


Or, just be the last person to accept the trade.

Or just letting them know they have options for the matter Susan.

Right, but if your trade window is green you would think it is locked then you also get a period to look over before you’re sure to go along with it. I’m aware of how it works as I trade many items through trade windows but I think it is a breakdown of how it looks vs how it actually works.


Its really just that simple

That makes zero sense. If your window is green you’re confirming the trade. If theirs isn’t… they havent confirmed the trade. Just like in real life… you wouldn’t give someone you’ve never met money then just hope they come through with the goods.

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It makes sense if you’re trusting the trade window to not keep your offer if they change the terms. Why it maintains your end is the breakdown.

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