Hey BDK main here looking for a guild that wants to clear Heroic at a fast pace and possibly hit the first couple of bosses on Mythic for a vault.
I no longer have the time to Mythic prog and want to focus on pushing keys whilst having a weekly Heroic clear
Available any day of the week and can be flexible for times.
Leave your contact details down below and I’ll reach out thanks
Hey Josh,
Perception might be what you’re looking for!
As we now have all the awakened heroic raids on farm for the season, our main focus is recruiting players who love to push M+.
We have our heroic raid nights on Thursday, 8:00pm to 10:30pm (although we are finishing up by 9-9:30pm most nights) and an optional Monday night raid (for first couple Mythic or other things like remix).
Since it is really easy to gear up this season with bullions making raid pretty much unnecessary, we would love to build a big M+ community as we move towards TWW. Re…
If any of the above sounds good to you, reach out to me on discord at ‘fezleme’ so we can chat further
Hey mate, on Barthilas might be your jam, though we do raid late at night (9pm WA/SEA time, 11pm server), Wed and Fri nights.
Heroic clears and M+, right up your alley!