US 2nd World 4th is currently selling Mythic Sanctum of Domination!
Our raid times are Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7:00pm server time (CST). A majority of our raid runs will begin on Tuesday at 7:00pm (CST), with the occasional run starting on Wednesday at 7:00pm (CST) when we’ve started doing split runs.
We require a 20% deposit, or down payment, when scheduling your run to ensure that you’ll be there when raid time comes. This is non-refundable, but we will do our best to accommodate your schedule changes given proper warning.
We will never accept payment other than gold. No exceptions. All of our sales are handeled via a ticket system in our discord.
Personal Loot
3/10M - 2.1M Gold
6/10M - 4.5M Gold
9/10M - 13M Gold
10/10M + Mount - 19M Gold
Specific bosses are available upon request, but may be slightly more expensive when purchased alone
NOTE : All gold will be traded to an officer/mod that is currently in Guild. If you are unsure of who you’re trading your gold to, feel free to reach out to any officer before hitting accept. Officers are: Lozoerin, Shampy, Impaktw, Maplexo, Hyperpal, or Dark (mod).
If you would like to have access to the “Famed Bane of the Banshee Queen” title, we charge an additional 1,000,000 Gold. This means you will receive an invite to the guild as an MVP, and be able to use the title “Famed Bane of the Banshee Queen” on any character that is currently in the guild. Any character that is not in the guild will not receive access to the title, and if you are to leave the guild the title will be removed from your character.
BDGG has all 7 Hall of Fame achievements from Uldir - Sanctum and you can get the Famed Slayer Title for any Cutting Edge Mythic Raid achieves you may have.
Famed Slayer of G’huun
Famed Defender of Dazar’alor
Famed Slayer of the Harbinger
Famed Slayer of Azshara
Famed Slayer of N’Zoth
Famed Slayer of Denathrius
Famed Bane of the Banshee Queen
We are accepting gold on ANY server. Gold on other servers requires an additional 2 WoW tokens on the price, so that we can properly transfer the gold over to Illidan.
For more information about runs please add Darklurkar#1910 on BTag or join our discord