You literally just asked where, and I answered your question. Isle of quel’danas.
Yes, it was added after maintenance and is in-game, but the catch is it’s on an island you can’t get to until Sunwell patch drops. Misleading or not, that is the case.
You don’t even know this for sure anyway. You’re talking from your dark hole.
Considering they did not give extra points this week as stated, it’s entirely possible that they just messed up implementing the vendor. It will be on the Isle if they don’t fix it before patch, and S4 likely won’t start until you can get there anyway, so who cares?
Sure I do, it’s on the PTR as I type this. Speaking of dark holes, perhaps it’s time you climbed out of yours.
It says “now”. Read it a few times, maybe it will sink in. It is possible that this is a typo but let’s get some clarification on it from the guy who posted it.
It’s in game “now”. Just because it’s on an island you can’t currently access, does not mean it’s not in game “now”.
Read that a few times.
Arguing semantics here. Let’s focus on the real issue. Correctly priced vindicator off pieces.
Or how the point calculations did not go as stated.
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Yeah, thanks for the theory crafting clown, but ill stick with the original response.
I’m always here to help you with your reading comprehension issues, champ
Hi - I was at the honor vendor to purchase my remaining S3 pieces and noticed the prices were all over the place. The boots costed less honor but more marks (2x), the bracers were less honor and no marks, the belt was unchanged, the neck was unchanged the rings were less honor and no marks. Curious if this was intentional or if the reduction we have had in previous seasons is coming?
There is no comprehension issue. The blue post said now, not now but unattainable. it is not my fault you have a iq of 37.
This is definitely the real issue.
Noon pacific time and prices are still wrong and we havent received the “increased arena point rate” we were told we would be getting.
This issue is made far worse by the fact that we’re running out of time to purchase these discounted items as Season 4 creeps closer, and we’ve received 0 blue posts, replies, or indications that anything is wrong or will be fixed.
Rogue logic at it’s finest. I bet you’re not even Imp Exposed heh heh.
i just want to play the game as a decently geared shadowpriest. been holding on to honor cap for a week now waiting for all the reset stuff. hurry blizz and fix pleeeeaaaasseeeeee. im the mr. bean being bored in the field meme right now. dont even want to log in. just staring at forums/reddit waiting for anything and checking every 10mins and logging out.
It’s been 3 business hours. We have at least a week. I feel you, I want info, but give them some time.
You’re right that it’s been 5 business hours (7am Pacific, May 3rd) since we received our arena points for last week---- but it’s been 14 hours (10pm Pacific, May 2nd) since they ended Season 3, discounted the prices of SOME s3 offset items, discounted the prices of ALL s1 items for honor, and changed s2 items cost from arena points to honor.
I see where you’re coming from too, but the clock is ticking and the lack of transparency is anything but comforting.
I’m wondering if they need to wait for a reset to cleanly fix the points.
Its 100% going to play out like this.
As soon as you are fed up with waiting and no communication on the issue. You will spend your points in an optimal way at the moment. They will then announce a fix that results in you wishing you had waited. So wait.