[BCC] Community Council Dart Board

I want to know what the reaction from blizzard is going to be when someone rolls out 5 max gold caps to buy a set of warglaives, gdkps are reaching farcical levels, when does the straw break the camel’s back? Reminds me of the 22k character pool parties which was 20.5k deleted gnomes

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Very anxious for more details about this, and that’s about it.

Sorry to see all the flak you’ll get, it is clear you mean well and CC is better than nothing.
I think overall we are just quite jaded/despondent at this point and only more word/action from the blues will fix it.

  1. Lack of timely communication. Responding to feedback.
  2. Sever pop accounting for dead faction.

Lol I salute your efforts in trying to get some discussion going on what issues the community would like to address but as you can see the community cares more about being snarky and combative than actually discussing anything.


1.Get rid of the damn bots more promptly and punish gold buyers harder.

This shouldn’t need to be said.

  1. Stop with the premature nerfs or make them substantially less drastic and inline with how TBC actually went.
    STeamrollering SSC and TK should be doable if your guild is upto that sort of challenge, leaving it as a 2 night schedule for the rest of us plebs is fine. Heaven forbid people actually play the damn game.

Hi Sixxfury!

Could you please bring up remerging of battlegrounds and possible arenas for oceanic battlegroup with US battlegroups… at the bottom you can see screenshotts of 50 min + wsg queue times.

  • Server faction imbalances (PvE servers want balanced factions as well)
  • Bloated and dying servers
  • Persistent bugs

I’d also like to know why that is. You’d think fixing problems with your game wouldn’t be all that complicated, let alone just talking about it.


Well when you are dealing with a legion of snark posters that are waiting to twist every thing you say and move goal posts at every step of the way it becomes pretty complicated.

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In defense of Sixxfury here, there are so many ways to merge / balance out servers…

  • Forcing people off dead servers
  • Partial open-world merges (see people from your realmgroup in the open world)
  • Complete Merge (new server is created; old servers’ identities are lost)
  • Partial Open-world and Group merges (being able to group with people from your realmgroup and see them in the open world)
  • What servers need to be merged?
  • What servers can stay as is?
  • If “Complete Merge” is chosen, how many servers will there be in the end?

Can anybody provide any evidence that Blizzard has merged servers in the past? Like its everybody’s go to solution for the server pops but I’m pretty sure they have never done a server merge in the history of wow.

I mean total server merges have never been done, but realmgroups in retail are a thing

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To clarify, the impression I got from Sixxfury’s statement was that it was difficult to even get Blizzard to talk about anything. I know they don’t talk to their customers, but amongst themselves??

Hmmmm I interpreted it as Blizzard is currently coming up with a solution to adress Server Populations

Unfortunately to my knowledge it’s not a solution so much as just a discussion point of ideas and what could be done/what they’ve thought of so far. I was told a post was in the works 2 weeks ago though so that’s why I alluded to there obviously being some hoops needing jumped through or something :sweat_smile:


Giving the benefit of the doubt that the 3rd bullet point is even true?

  1. Dual Spec, because who the hell cares, just do it.
  2. Removal all layers from all servers, effective Tuesday.
  3. Open up free transfers off of the mega realms.
  4. Embrace Chaos.

ive read your discussion about battle chicken. id like to suggest what seems to be the obvious solutions. they should just squawk either on summon or on first attack.

the painpoint of chicken squads is all the hoops you have to jump through to get them to proc. i dont think many people are upset with engi being so powerful, it was my profession choice before chicken meta was a thing, so im fine with chicken buff stacking (as long as its from each party member, not self stacking like people did pre-nerf), but in order t oget it to squawk you have to suffer any offensive move from an enmy and have the chicken be summoned and attack it. the issue seems to be its still not a guaranteed squawk (i’m at like a 50/50 proc rate on the pre-hydross elementals, and that should be the easiest place to proc it) and they have next to no health, so if any aoe happens, the chicken just dies before it squawks (this has happened a lot as well).

It’s also frustrating for the rest of the raid to tiptoe around chicken squad while they squawk.

i suggest just letting them guarantee a squawk on their first attack or on summon.

Same-Faction Battlegrounds and More in this post here Kaivax mentioned several of TBC’s “goals” I think imo pretty clearly (they werent pvp specific). It’s also been said a few other times throughout Classic’s history that they’re trying to stay true/authentic as possible while still navigating modern issues. Thats why I have mentioned the 3rd bullet point and typically my posts reference that philosophy in some way or another.

Then they should have removed layers, never implemented boosts, and implement queues and actual transfer restrictions to prevent the game from being ruined.


This is probably the worst possible fix I could imagine. You are basically just making it a world buff at that point and no one will want to be anything but gnomish for chickens. Please don’t make content trivialized with stuff like this.

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