Baygel - unable to connect to Blizzard services

I’ve got the same issues. can’t log in into anything related with my internet but everything is fine when I used another internet connection and have tried all the solution above. I hope there’s a solution to these issues

I’m glad a moderator chose to move your necropost out of the original 2-year-old thread which was specific to exactly one network provider. This is more likely to get some assistance now.

Of course, you apparently opened another thread on the same topic.

Anyway, I’m assuming “can’t log into anything related” means the games, because you are logged into the forums now (or were when you posted).

I’m using VPN now to reach the forum and log in. I know there is something wrong with my internet and but I don’t know what should I do to fix it.

Could either be a routing issue (which only your ISP can fix), or a DNS issue.

If it’s a DNS issue then you can easily change the IP addresses within your router’s settings panel to use something like Google’s servers instead.