Battling Azeroth!

I don’t know what I’m missing.

I’ve gotten “Friendly” in all three reps in Kul Tiras and I’ve established footholds in Zulduzar and Nazmir. But for whatever reason, I can’t get the guy on the ship in Boralus Harbour to give me the quest for Vol’dun. This is all I need to unlock the dailies and it’s frustrating.

There is a level requirement for the last foothold. I think it’s level 40. (Keep in mind that the requirement to unlock the dailies is I think level 50 or 60.) Also make sure you pick up your Heart of Azeroth by picking up the quest from the Earthen Guardian NPC a bit outside the Inn in Boralus. I think that opens up at 40.

If this is your first character doing the content, make sure you’ve done the tutorial quest for Island Expeditions. It will block your progress, but because you only get the quest on your first character to do the campaign, it can be easily missed.


That must be the problem. But the problem I have with it is, at level 60, the mobs are too powerful. They’re 61 elites. So, how can I go through this alone?

ETA: I figured it out. I asking for the solo tour. It seems that to complete the tutorial, you must choose, “Let’s go!” That will take you through the tutorial.

Thanks again. I’m now headed to Vol’dun.