With Game Version = World of Warcraft Classic selected, and Launch Into selected on Anniversary Realms, my blizzard launcher is consistently launching WoW Classic hardcore - or whatever I happened to try to launch before. Sometimes it launches season of discovery instead. I’m not sure what is going on.
I’ve restarted twice and would like to try reinstalling, but am hesitant because I’m not sure if the games are connected to the launcher or not
Or, is there a registry setting I could check for this?
i am greeted with a “create new character” screen. backing out to look at realms show a handful of realms I have no characters in. In the top left corner, it says World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery | or World Of Warcraft Classic Hardcore.
It is 100% launching something other than what I have selected on battle.net - it’s not a wrong realm issue
On the launcher, make sure you are signing into the correct wow license. The launcher has been known to mysteriously change that, especially if you have more than one wow licence within the overall battle.net account - and often the reason why players have reported what you’re seeing too.
Did anyone find a fix for this yet? I’m experiencing the same thing. Classic will only launch as SOD, classic era, or classic hardcore. I cant launch any of the Anniversary realms
Theres a tab on the bottom of the realms list for classic, you can switch to the anniversary realm there