I am based in North America. I have not been to Europe since years before creating my battle.net account. I have never purchased anything from Blizzard off of the EU website, just the EN-US version. I only play on NA servers. Yet for some reason when looking at the shop in the battle.net app, it’s showing Euros instead of dollars. I do want to make sure that it’s showing the correct currency for where I am actually living. I don’t want the wrong currency. Also, if I play from Canada in the future, will the NA store show the price in Canadian dollars or US dollars (if it’s done correctly)?
Any page on the worldofwarcraft.com will randomly redirect me to the main page, which I pretty much never want to happen. It used to weirdly redirect me to the EU battle.net site as well, although recently it’s been the EN-US version instead (which is correct, although I don’t know if that will still be correct if I move to Canada). The game’s website (www.worldofwarcraft.com) will only leave me logged in for a few days then redirect to the main website even if I was on a different page (such as an armory page). I went to the open tab with the armory page of the toon I wanted to check (I was trying to determine if some warbound leather items would be an upgrade for one of my leather wearers), but it took me away from the armory page to the main worldofwarcraft.com website. Logged in or not, the reason I went to my open armory tab was to look at the armory of my alt to check gear, not go to the main website. I am using Firefox on Windows and on my iPhone - it does the same thing on both.