online/offline popups in the middle of screen

This just started today and is incredibly distracting in the middle of dungeons and boss fights.


agreed, is there any way to fix this?

I just started getting this as well! Super annoying.

just happened to me

bump for another broken interface

Same here, and of course the edit mode doesn’t know what it is.


Same happening here.

same happening to me

So annoying, any fix?

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I noticed this as well. You can always disable the notifications. The option for it are 2 tick boxes in the social tab of the Game Options menu. At least until they fix it.

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I actually did this and turned off the notifications and I still was getting the pop-up in the center of the screen. F me I guess

Same thing here, ive looked at all the settings and edit mode and nothing lets you change the position of this annoying popup. also many of my guild mates are experiencing the same exact thing :frowning: please patch this quick

disabling popups in the bnet app does nothing. How is this problem still happening?

Can confirm. Having this exact same issue when my friends login and go offline. Hoping for a fix here soon!

Turning off toasts and popups in settings DOES NOT stop this from happening, how is this even a thing!!!

Must be an addon I have that is making this not happen. Several friends have said they are having this issue, and I have yet to have it.