forum format

You also don’t like any other suggestions either. What else don’t you like that doesn’t fit your narratives?


I have avoided ever reporting a single post with more than one character. I only switch if I am out of flags on my main posting char, but other new posts or threads need reporting. Usually if that happens it means several people are running amok and fishing for a ban on purpose to cause a lot of disruption.

Yes. Most definitely. The mods have to guess based on the report category what is going on, and without context it is difficult.


This is a pretty great thread I don’t know how you guys can argue back and forth for months and keep going thats some dedication to such a pointless cause

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I thought so.

Just a reminder for you all that if you want this thread to survive long and have a place for discussion, best bet is to ignore those who continue to perpetuate a lie despite numerous times in the last 3 main threads of this topic being proven wrong, have no interest of an actual discussion and want this thread gone.

Anyways… I guess its time to debunk the talking points…

Btags being enabled will increase harassment!

How so will it increase harassment? if anything it will be lowered because I can ignore someone in one shot and not have to ignore 14 characters from the same person that is either trying to get me to interact with them or harass me, if I feel as if someone is harassing me in game after coming off of an heated argument, I can connect the dots and block their account and not have to deal with any future in game mail or whispers from that account.

To harass someone in a private level through bnet level if you get what I mean, You need to send that person a friend request first and hope it gets approved by the person you are sending to, during that time, you cannot chat with the person you are requesting to be “friends” with, even if you have the btag in your hand, you did not send the request or it gets declined, you still cannot chat with them directly in any sort way.

If harassment were to happen directly after accepting the request, it can be reported and actions range from a couple of days of being locked out of your account to an entire account getting deleted, depends on the severity of the context. Making throwaway accounts wont cover you considering Blizzard might have the tools to find the main account doing it and apply punishment to that said account to be in question of making throwaway accounts.

Battle tags are private information!

No its not in Blizzard’s own words.

A BattleTag™ is a player-chosen nickname that identifies your account in our games, websites, community forums, and more. Only one BattleTag can be associated with a account.

In my own words, a battle tag is just a Username or a Public label that you put onto your accounts and will be displayed publicly regardless of your feelings of it being displayed against your wishes.

Also, if you are using your real name or other private information as your battle tag, change it immediately, Just because your battle tag isn’t displayed here or in game, doesn’t mean you should put private information as your username.

My alts will be found via Btags!

People can already find your alts (at least for retail) without btags even being enabled here, if you want to prove me wrong, here is my btag, goldiey#1646, find all my characters both retail and classic without using CheckPvP or some other thing I may not know about.


Once again, I come here and see that there’s huge evidence why the forums need B-Tags and account wide ignore.


I think just ignore the people trolling / refute any false statements you see but doing so without engaging the actual trolling going on might be best to facilitate the convo better, and help filter the feedback for blizzard to implement battle tags hopefully sooner rather than later.

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Blue posts say that was a bunch of different accounts and not the same person like people were accusing.

Bnet accounts are free, also accepting bnet requests has been entirely safe for me because it’s been from RP interactions especially cross-faction.

They could, for that and flags but a lot of the other game forums either only require a one time game purchase or are free because the game is free. They could do anyone can post if they’ve ever had a subscription.

There are addons that remove any messages sent your way, and I think there’s both in game settings and account settings to disable all in game chat. But why should you have to, given it’s an MMORPG? Why respond to anyone you don’t even know on the forums? Why interact with anyone you don’t already know? I’d prefer better moderation rather than just basically playing offline.

How come the main ones I’ve seen doing that are the ones that supposedly ‘want btag’?

You know linking that repeatadly and of course, saying the same thing over and over falls into that category right?

As does this.

They can do so in game without btags popping up into your ignore list, they could do it on the forums if they wanted.

You don’t realize how much that applies to pro btag posters?

That could be said for a lot of people, pro btaggers call everyone those and other words a lot in these threads.

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Just when I thought my side had won this whole argument, another one of these forum threads appears…


I am going to just ignore it this time and go play Starcraft 2 and get insulted and trolled by failing a 4 vs 4 battle, and then after that I am going to watch Diablo 4 footage and catch up on all the lore as at least in those games, your in-game reputation doesn’t matter as everyone hates you anyway.

I keep thinking some of the anti-btag crowd could stand a few history lessons, as while direct comparisons are not possible, it is possible to look at the sides as follows:

  1. the 1st Punic war, Rome (pro) vs, Carthage (anti)
  2. the American Revolution, the colonies (pro) vs. England (anti)

In both cases one side thought they won or had the other side beat only for that side to win in the end through sheer determination to keep going and by just wearing out their foes.

I’m short.
I’ve learned to use items to poke other items off the higher shelves.
Otherwise, I have to find a tall person, and be like “excuse me, hi, this is really embarrassing, but would you mind reaching something off a high shelf for me?”
…nobody has ever said no.

I feel like the WoW playerbase is the same.
So many people are “grrr playerbase is toxic”… but if you approach people for something, they’re usually quite pleasant.

You almost lasted an hour and a half this time!


They did, but in this case, I was saying your side was Carthage, not Rome. In the first Punic War, Carthage thought Rome was defeated or would sue for peace because they could not keep up the attack, but Rome kept coming back.

In other words, if you think you win because a topic is removed, don’t think that as that could be akin to winning ONE battle only to lose the war.

Funny thing is, I did not even reply to them, so the only notification they should have gotten is the fact someone replied, not our fault if people don’t mute threads so they don’t get notified.


I am reminded of this quote whenever this topic pops up.

“Admiral Spire. It is said that heresy is like a tree; its roots lie in darkness while its leaves wave in the sun. You can prune away the branches, even cut the tree to the ground but it will grow again, ever stronger. Such is the nature of heresy and why it is so difficult to destroy. Some may question my right to destroy a world of ten billion souls. But those who truly understand, realize that I have no right to let them live. No sacrifice too great, no treachery too small.” - Inquisitor Horst Battlefleet Gothic Armada.

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I only report people that break the TOS.

If I don’t like what they are saying, I ignore them.

Blizzard doesn’t care if I don’t like a poster or not.

I’m not upset and want to stop people, but I do want to be able to ignore them.

I’m not trying to “zap” anyone. You should lighten up.

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I don’t believe you answered my question. 'If people supporting Battletags generalized and accused everyone who is against Btags as trolls, and you think it’s wrong to do that, why are you doing it then?
Why are you doing the same thing you condemn others for doing?

If you’ve decided since yesterday that you made a mistake, great. But I realized today you never answered my question.

Well that’s just not very nice. :crying_cat_face:


There is a much more apt comparison in American politics recently.

Peps, let’s chill down a bit. We are getting too flamey here.

Can we go back to discussion on how we can implement this in a fashion that works for everyone except for those that seeks to abuse the system?


Daily btag support

Now for a daily reminder.

When you start to see a poster start to show signs of lyining (repeating misinformation after being shown facts with actual Blizz links) or accusing everyone as false flaggin them just to get people riled up . Don’t engage and put them on ignore.

These people have only one goal and that is to get the thread shut down .


Agree’d. Daily support for BTags. Time to place us in line with all other forums.

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