Same. My game keeps updating and when I launch it, it crashes with Fatal Error #134. When I repair and scan it updates again and does the same thing over and over. Cannot access the game.
I have had this issue for a few days now.
Happening to me today. Its been updating or waiting on another update for an hour now.
Having the same thing since pre patch update almost every day a new update . Why Blizzard on World of Warcraft you having so many updates .
Please do something about this issue? I been unable to play /update anything despite fallowing your instructions and also uninstalling and reinstalling Battle.Net. I do work and have things to do and my time to play is really tight.
It is very unpleasant to try all the remedies you Blizzard put out there and find out that none of them worked. Science yesterday afternoon, I been trying everything and still the same problem.
I know you guys are aware of the issue affecting many players and probably will get this fix eventually, but please, put more emphasis on fixing this for us, the ones who can’t play or have the same issue.
You know how much money I’ve put in this game with this account, make it worth it please.
Same issue here. It began late last night and hasn’t stopped. Never had this issue before.
Just chiming in as experiencing this as well, as of this morning. Constant updates for Retail, PTR, Classic and TBC Classic, all always queued for updates
Hi Rhielle, funny seeing you outside GD
Also, I have this problem as well.
What’s worse is that it’s slooow, it takes forever to initialize
Mine has been doing this since last night.
It just did it again as I was typing this!
Wanted to add my experiences with this issue to the thread.
I have both Retail and TBC Classic installed on my computer, with no other games installed on the Battle Net app. Since yesterday evening, November 11th, 2021, they have both constantly been updating with what appears to be the same small patch.
I can still log into the game between the times they have patched, but the updates keep happening whenever I leave the game. When they get updated, if I manually go to check for updates, the game will patch again with the same patch.
Some general info for my computer:
-I have tried to delete my Battle Net cache and temp files, and the same issue has been happening.
-I have tried running Battle Net as an admin, with the issue still happening.
-I have Windows 10 on this computer.
-I have no addons installed and have never installed any addons at all.
-I have BitDefender for my antivirus, and it has never given me issues with WoW. There is no indication from its logs that it is affecting WoW’s files in any way that I can tell.
If I think of anything else that would be helpful to report, I’ll be sure to add to this thread as well. Any help in fixing this would be appreciated. Thank you!
And now I’m constantly getting disconnected, as well. No addons running, can’t loot stygia from my corpse after dying, even though my corpse is sparkling and the cursor says I can loot…
Same problem been happening since last evening. Only windows defender and firewall installed. All wows try to update every time bnet app opens or I exit out of a game.
Sadly I have BD and also have this issue. I even have exceptions specifically set for app and also WoW itself. I used to have a weird issue with some interaction between a program and WoW (it was either Discord or OBS, can’t remember), but disabled the automatic profile switching and that resolved it.
Same as you, I am not paid to endorse BD, I just like it.
OH, also, in order for OBS and Discord to work properly with WoW, I have WoW and the client set to always run as Administrator. This has been working fine for…eons, it feels like.
Same. I am 100% terrified of losing my addon settings because I have them all configured just so and it would take forever to re-configure them. I also copy my Screenshots folder because sometimes I really wish I had done that for older screenshots.
I go to a paranoid extent with it though almost
I have the batch file copy to another physical hard drive, then from that hard drive I have it synced to Google Drive so it’s not only cloud-stored but also versioning is a thing in case I mess something up.
In case anyone’s interested in the nerdiness of this, the commands are roughly like so (run as administrator for best results and modify the first path to your install location, the second path where you want the files to go):
xcopy "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Cache" "D:\WoW Backups\Cache" /v /s /r /y
xcopy "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface" "D:\WoW Backups\Interface" /v /s /r /y
xcopy "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF" "D:\WoW Backups\WTF" /v /s /r /y
xcopy "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Screenshots" "D:\WoW Backups\Screenshots" /v /s /r /y
/v verifies the integrity of each new file, /s copies folders and subfolders except empty ones, /r overwrites read-only files, and /y overwrites existing files without prompting.
Anyway that’s not the point of this thread. Help us, Blizz
Same issue, updates pretty much every hour if not more frequently… just adding to this thread for Blizz to notice the number of people affected.
I’m having the same issue since this morning.
This problem is a headache
Same issue as others. Very, very annoying.
Same happening here too.
I’m having the same issue that just started last night. That’s the first time I’ve seen this sort of behavior.
Plus, it’s not just the various versions of WoW but all my Blizzard games, except for Hearthstone, have updates available this morning.
And those WoW updates ran through last night before I went to bed, and this morning, the same thing is happening yet again.
Very curious.