Battlegrounds Temporarily Disabled

I was wondering why honor gains seemed so low.

This bug hurts boost sales. The other bugs can wait! Boost sales must be protected at all costs!


This has nothing to do with Honor gains, itā€™s because the exp was broken. Someone entered a WSG at level 17 and left at 70. He gained like 2 dozen levels from capping the flag.

What a jokeā€¦ are you guys going to rollback all the people who got free lvl 80s from winning 1 BG? i bet notā€¦ remember boys ā€˜abuse early, abuse often.ā€™

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This has to do with the apparently insane amount of XP you gainā€¦doesnā€™t it.

Fun detected; fun removed.

Fun detected? Come on, you seriously think itā€™s okay or acceptable for a single WSG flag cap to give you 22 levels?

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If I had it my way youā€™d level one character and then instant-max level each alt for some amount of gold; probably like 10k.

I hate leveling. So I always look for a shortcut. With ESO itā€™s Cyrodiil. With FF14 itā€™s Frontlines (their BGs). With WoW itā€™s a mix of RDF and BGs. With SoD it was spamming Incursions before the XP nerf; 40 to 50 in two days of playingā€¦fastest Iā€™ve ever leveled. Now I can chill and slow do the content.


Should also have it give you full BiS and a video of all the raid encounters so you can just skip playing the game entirely.

I think we can all agree that while it was fine for them to fix such a bug, it probably would have also been a good idea to fix honor points gain and resilience bug as well before turning them back on. I mean I got like 15 honor for winning an EOTS earlier, and as much as I like three shotting a DK for once in my life, the pvp is a clown fest atm with all the one shots.

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i hope they give out a free 80 token to everyone that couldnt exploit this bug

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or literally every other aspect of the game too

Who is experiencing this BS prepatch. Nothing is working properly lmao

Did you hit your head as a child? They arenā€™t giving you something they sell for $60 for free.

yes, i daily hit my head. Im a walkin concussion

Ah. Youā€™re one of those people that believe ā€œlevelingā€ is a fundamental part of the ā€˜experienceā€™. Even though it serves not purpose other than to extend your ā€˜time in gameā€™ (and thus your sub).

Personally, Iā€™d rather level up as quickly as possible so I can start learning my class, with all my abilities, and have access to all the content.

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Please add a PvP tab to the group finder, all were going to have is Custom which will be clogged up with PvE stuff. Should be something for Arena and RBG. Thanks.

I hope you all are going to roll back any characters who gained from this exploit.

In 2 comments I know that this person is just the typical forum flamebaiter.

I got all classes to 80 should I be against people leveling faster? hell no.

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Doing a Bg isnā€™t an exploit. This is just blizzard being blizzard. Personally this is the worst patch Iā€™ve ever experienced in wow. The fact that they released a known issues thread alongside the patch says it all.

Grats to those who got the free levels though!

It actually blows my mind. Like they did zero testing for possibly one of the biggest and most ambitious expansions in the games history.

How most of these bugs didnā€™t get fixed in the beta is well beyond me. This all should have been polished. And if not, moved the release date a month or 3 down the line.

Like in my opinion, they released this bullcorn broken on purpose. And they refuse to release permanent wrath era servers to. Which is stupid.