Battlegrounds Temporarily Disabled

We have turned off Battlegrounds while we investigate and fix an issue.

Thank you for your understanding.


Thanks. Looks like honor gain may be bugged, was about to submit a ticket.


Could you also investigate paladins losing Templars Verdict permanently?

Edit: to fix it you need to switch talents

respec and it comes back

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There is various issues with spells ond the spellbook, its on the known issues list which is a positive

Hopefully this means they are going to increase it a lot. Getting 40 honor for a loss and like 119 for a win seems really scuffed.

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This was likely in response to a bug report about Battleground XP being overtuned. Apparently you could go from level 14 to level 80 in one WSG win lol.

Not sure it has anything to do with the honor gain bug but we shall see.


yo guys did u see my new subreddit pics? also how do i get more lvls i only got lvl 36 from one bg lol??


Some dude named Khorlo-Benediction got 8 lvls from losing a bg lol, does anyone know if he hit 80 with this bug?


i think the guy he played against got 78 and told him “get sh*t on”

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yo guys do u get lvl 78 from this or 36 from 1 bg, does any1 know??


any level 36 rogues?

BG xp used to give about 1 level per BG win in Cata. Not this lol

I do also hope they take this as an opportunity to look at other bugs related to Battlegrounds, Honor, and PvP.

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Bunch of people got free 80s from 1 BG lole

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I don’t understand. I want an in depth explanation as to why a Beta was released over a month ago and almost nothing was fixed during that entire time period.

Why has there been so little communication and general testing?


Their No1. priority is larping as the original creators of wow in SOD.


Are they going to roll back the characters that got to lv 80 with this exploit to preserve game integrity?


If this was a fresh server I’d be with you 100%, but since its not it’s kind of whatever. What’s a few more 60+ characters?

Of course they will - right after rolling back every lvl 80 boost purchased, ever.

Integrity?? ha.

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And the hits just keep coming…