Battlegrounds and Players leaving them during matches

I remember when arenas and random battlegrounds were server locked but blizzard seen the folly of that and decided to go multi servers for ques now what this topic is about is the problem we face today in them [to many one sided match’s and not enough equal match’s in them.

I think what would fix the gear gap Is if everyone that que for arenas got put in blue gear like we did at level 20 when we were able to que for battlegrounds as that would make the matches more equal and who ever wins the match would get the most conquest and honor.only the 1400 ranking arena players would get put in with other ranking players with their ranking and can use that gear they have on. there another problem fixxed by me for this these players that que for arenas I blue gear will get ranking on their already purchased purple gear that they bought with conquest.

that might just work

Now why am I not getting paid for my advice? from this game.

I didn’t think such creatures existed.

oh but they do apparently lol