Battlegrounds and Follow


I was a multiboxer back in the day and would like to know if follow is still going to be taken out of bgs.

I know not everyone likes multiboxers however that was the only thing keeping me playing Van and BC. It was so much fun bging with my team of 5.

Is follow ever going to come back to bgs? You have taken out your main “cheat” man HB.

Could we have it back in? :smiley:

I’m pretty sure follow will not be allowed in bg’s in Classic. I can’t remember where I saw this or I would link the source. Maybe someone else knows where it’s at and can show you.

Hopefully World PVP is just as big as it was years ago. :slight_smile:

I tried seeing when /follow was disabled, and it looks like it was 2013. If we’re sticking with nochanges, then…

Multiboxing in BGs is borderline cheating, IMO.


So 5 people who are all the same class killing the same person is also cheating?

Its no different then if you had 5 shamans all different people.

Anyway not going to debate if its cheating or not, I played WoW since Van and multiboxed since End of Van too WOTLK. I had people like you report me for years. :slight_smile: GM’s would say its not cheating.

As for Follow what they should do is allow follow with the same account only. So if I have 10 accounts under the same bnet follow should be allowed.

This will remove the bots and afk bots.

Follow will be disabled in BGs, even though it was in Vanilla. The reason for breaking it is because it stops all of the bots. so as a multi-boxer, you can still own face in wPvP though!


It was usually shamans in BGs that caused concern.

Having 5 different players time abilities to be executed all at the same time isn’t likely.

Getting “one-shot” by 5 lightning bolts multiple times doesn’t seem like it’s something that should exist in BGs.

You never played Vanilla then, People in Tier 1-2-3 can 1 shot someone in blues. No matter what class you are. lol

Warlocks can sleep - soul fire - instant death to you.

Also I seen plenty of people fire their abilities at once :smiley:

5-shamans are insane (not as annoying as 5 rogues in wpvp though), but any fear bomb will allow you the chance to disrupt what a multi-boxer is doing. Even if you only kill one of their chars, that’s 1 less char on the field, since they either need to all die or the 4 alive chars have to run back and pick up the 5th one, which again removes 4 alive chars from the fight giving the other team plenty of time to get an advantage.

Sure, it might be annoying to deal with, but it’s possible, just a different problem to solve than what you’re used to.

Still not the same. On some level, you’re relying on something other than you to help manage a the characters.

To me, this isn’t any different than add-ons that would allow one-button rotations.

I wouldn’t get my knickers all in a bunch over it. Blizzard’s stance has always been “one button - one action,” which is a fair policy to make.

I hope not.

gotta add /follow back in to respect #nochanges

I dont give a crap about multi-boxers. BUt i have to call bull crap on this argument.

Anytime someone uses this argument they are one of a couple things.

  1. Delsusional

  2. A Liar.

You get to pick which one you are. It is 100% different. How many people do you know that have the abilty to INSTANTLY sycronize a cast of chain lighting on a single target? PLEASE let me see the data that 5 different people can sycronize 5 different actions hundreds maybe THOUSANDS of miles apart from one another just as well as on person clicking one button?

Not to mention if you were to take 2 people multi-boxing 5 characters each? Get the hell out of here with that crap “its the same”. You Sir are full of it.

For the record. If this was ever tried in a court like setting you would LOSE 100%. This is the ABSOLUTE definision of uiseing third party software to control you character. You are NOT in direct control of the character. the only way that that is possible is if you used on keyboard and mouse and SPLIT the signal. But 99% of multi-boxers dont do that. They use a program that is CODED to help control the characters…
Blizzard doesn’t ban multi-boxers because it doesn’t hurt the economy and doesn’t have a huge impact on game play because most people dont have computers that can handle it / cant afford multiple accounts. Money is money, that is all there is to it.

What you are doing would be considered cheating in any other aspect of daily life and is considered CHEAP by the community that you play with(at the very least). HOWEVER the powers that be dont give a crap so why try to justify what you are doing with stupid arguments like the one you just presented?


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How about… No.

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