Battleground " Report Away " Abuse

We have an example of the abuse right here.

This does not prove abuse.

Haha Ha Haaa

While it would be nice if this was always the case, you underestimate the pettiness of humans.

Blizzard will give you a forum ban if you post proof. The guy isn’t worth me losing my posting abilities. He was kicked, its fine, he can say what he wants lol.

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It is always the case. Why would a random group of strangers pick you out of a 10 person group to randomly kick?

What the actual hell lady.

I feel like i’m being attacked here for no reason

I do remember, this was sometime back that in some bgs I constantly played back in Wrath, there were people that would do reporting afks just for giggles.
I’m not saying that this is the case in OP post, most of us weren’t there but apparently someone here was.

Idk maybe it’s just me but I saw the post as ops calling people out,that’s the vibe I got.I mean you never know if the person you piss off is in game and on forums lol

Meters can be deceiving. I was getting told off the other day for my Druid’s low healing due to me using my stealth to try and grab flags while the rest were sitting in the middle donating honour kills to the Alliance.

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Because there are times when someone decides what is and is not fit for the group and then takes action to suit themselves.

Back in my early druid days I queued for a leveling dungeon and got kicked at the start of wailing caverns, before even attacking the first mob, because

“No heirlooms”

So yeah. Kicked before you could even try to “participate and cooperate”

Sure, and then they are somehow able to push those expectation onto other random strangers in the group?

I find this very hard to believe. People often can’t even agree on a strategy in a random BG, let alone on “what fits the group” and what doesn’t.

It doesn’t tell you the reason for being kicked though. So how would you know?


Groups who que for BGs regularly don’t care if they win. Honor farming, total damage competitions, kill shot competitions. In my experience those types tend to kick people more often. And LMFAO, people kicking others for being rude in a battleground. When did THAT become a thing? I’ve played tens of thousands of bgs and I can’t recall a single time that ever happened while I was in a BG. Generally the people throwing the tantrums are trying to get others kicked.

Also, that guy must be playing 10 man made premades in discord if he “never saw” stuff that happens with regularity.

I reported you via ticket with pictures for wrongfully targeting me in game and on the forums.

You should think twice before you open your mouth next time.

Thank you for understanding that.

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Yep, do it VIA ticket like i did.

Someone decides "I donʻt want this player in this group because 
 " and initiates a vote kick.

I asked member of the group after I got booted.