Battleground premades

can we talk about this please? It’s like every battleground is a complete stomp graveyard farm. Please just match premades vs other premades or make the max limit of a premade 5 players. This crap is not fun when its 15v15 and the enemy team has a perfect comp, meanwhile your team has ONLY rogues warriors and a single druid or some bullcrap. “gO tO ReTaiL if U waNt RolE seLecTioN” no. that’s not a valid excuse. This is exactly the kind of crap they should have done during phase 2 of classic, it was a complete crapshoot and they did nothing. Except this has been a thorn in the side of every pvp player for the entirety of classic, and now TBC. If you actually want to get into pvp, then you either premade and win, or don’t, and get stomped.


No. Premades exist and you either adapt and overcome or you lose. That’s all the options that need to exist

it needs to be 3 or more. 5 people can make a huge impact. 3 in a group or more needs to face a premade, even if that premade is a full premade.

are there any other changes to the game the horde would like? It’s always horde i see this stuff come from, and it’s always horde telling us how it’ll be good for alliance too.

horde pugs have enjoyed a much higher winrate than alliance pugs have, but that’s not enough for you is it? gotta have it all.

it was premade vs premade only in 2.1, they need to make it happen now. their waiting is only hurting the player base and local jobs to OC, due to a mass exodus of players.

right, the ole “ton’s of players are going to quit you better change this blizz!” card.

well, tons of players are going to quit over this horde favoritism nonsense. I’ve already unsubbed, if there’s not a hard 100% reversal of blizzards stance (which there won’t be), they aren’t getting another dime from me. They’ve kicked this dog once too many.

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Lmfao you un subbed because horde doesn’t have to wait 1hr for a bg??? LOL good riddance.

yup, that’s totally it. Keep thinking we are all morons who can’t see that it’s going to do the same thing to classic as it did to retail. The past TOTALLY won’t repeat itself, that never happens.

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Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.

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If this change was live from the start you wouldnt see as many premades.
People are trying to get their honor sets in one huge wave because it’s actually possible for them to now.

holy shi*t first it was the queues and you got your fix, now its premades you people just don’t stop do you?

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If this change was live from the start we’d probably have 90% horde to 10% alliance.

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premades need to face premades only, any group of 3 or more needs to face a premade. even if that premade is a full premade…or get rid of premades…

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