This is something I am also curious about.
If TBC timewalking scaling works, why don’t they already have a 60 - 110 bracket using TBC scaling in bgs?
This is something I am also curious about.
If TBC timewalking scaling works, why don’t they already have a 60 - 110 bracket using TBC scaling in bgs?
The ideia to bring templates to lower levels pvp is phenomental - and is something I advocate despite the fact that I twink viciously. I think the advantages for queue time and competivity is too much to pass on.
The bigger brackets is something I’d consider, but it might create a big gap between players. That’s why the most important thing to PvP Health at lower levels is to discuss an eventual Level Squish.
How does one ‘viciously’ twink?
I hate how Twink have another meaning that is not "to lock XP and do PvP content".
Due to passive and active skills.
If you are facing an A.I. in PvE, a scaled low-level just isn’t doing optimal DPS. But in PvP it means a lot less array of possible gameplays.
For instance, Fire Mages can’t do passive aoe until level 78 - when they get the Ignite mastery.
Edit: I mean, i think it’s possible to anticipate future skills for sake of creating bigger brackets. Look at Mercenary Mode unlocking and removing racials and War Mode adding new spells.