you got any plans to fix AV
Oh hun, fixing exploits, cave rezzing etc and making it a far better experience is far too much work!
Besides you’re the wrong faction to be asking for BG favors.
This is not what’s happening. There will still be xrealm. It will be East Coast, West Coast battlegroups. Still all the different realms in each region xrealmed together.
All queues will get longer, without giving you what you want. Less participation due to longer queues will lead to even longer queues. This is a bad idea.
*and yes, I’m posting on a retail toon, because this one has L3 rep and I refuse to grind that again.
I must be missing something. How are ques going to be longer? So you split the population between East and West. That just means to me there will be the same amount of people playing but just in 2 different battle groups. So instead of spreading everyone over everything you will have twice as many on East and West. The only think I think can affect it is the concentration of people on each side that might affect the ques a little bit. Again, the same amount of people will be playing.
Once again I can express that it is a GOOD thing the Twink bracket is being split.
At least in the 40-49 bracket, a lot of alliance players are on west, while horde are on east. Horde queue times last night were up to 20 minutes. So now we lose a large active alliance community, our queue times will probably be closer to 45 minutes.
Regardless, like others said its a solution in search of a problem.
Start holidays at 12AM PST and 3AM EST. Nobody would care and you wouldn’t be breaking PVP from levels 10-59…
Sick. EST servers are heavily populated with horde, enjoy the longer queues.
Is horde dominant on every east coast realm? I guess I am going to hold off judgement of this until we let it play out some. Seems to me everyone is guessing what could happen and are promoting the worst scenario’s. Lets see what happens.
Not really. It will drive up queue times, especially if it creates more faction imbalance queuing in one region versus another.
“In order to have players from different realms in agreement on whether or not a Battleground Holiday is active”
Think about this for a second. You’re willing to negatively affect sub-60 BG’s on a THEORETICAL argument…? And said argument only concerns whether the holiday bonus is active or not??? Sub 60 queue times are already very spotty as it is, and now there will be even less competition? As a community manager you should be able to see how there are way more cons to the community than positives. Extremely disappointed in this change. Why even have BGs available to non-60’s at this point?
Well, he actually said they are splitting us into two different battlegroups so I think most of us are drawing the right conclusion.
Perhaps your reading comprehension and assumptions are off?
I would have to say that there is a personal feeling. Just so you know classic is supposed to be being designed to recreate the entire vanilla feeling of the game. XRBGs were literally only made a thing when lop sided servers failed to get pvp games in addition to hastening the que times for players who wanted to pvp on non peak times.
The flaw with the current XRBG system @ 60 is that there are way too many people therefore you can no longer recognize the enemy player base. Literally i have no cares of the name of that warrior i just schooled or was smacked down by because i know in less than an hour my chances of seeing this guy again in any reasonable amount of time become NIL.
It was literally complained about for years when the full fledged BGs were introduced for a reason called community (the same one the twinks are giving greif about potentially losing because of how much smaller theirs is in comparison to the 60s groups).
XRBGS are a broken system if you think about what the overarching goals of classic are. One of the key ones there is fostering communities shrug Full XRBGs literally kill a large portion of the potential PvP community.
IMHO the best thing blizz could do is what they did before with how the XRs are done. in WSG/AB the brackets below level cap were full XR to maximize amounts of games played while the level cap bracket uses battle groups. AV is/should be limited to Battle grouping at all levels currently because of the backwards bracket (51-60).
It really is a non-issue that Blizzard was trying to solve. Who cares what happens at the fringe edges of the BG Holiday after midnight? Is it a big deal if the East region players have the BG holiday bonus at 2 AM, while the West region players don’t, even if they are in the same BG?
Honestly, this solution is going to cause A LOT more problems than a non-existent problem. It’s unfortunate that the people making these types of decisions don’t think this through.
I’d rather not even have this BG Holiday implementation if it’s beyond the dev team to easily add this without causing problems for a part of the community.
This should help west coast Horde queue times at least. I’m sick of over hour long queues.
That depends on how many west coast alliance are queuing. If your pool of Alliance is now even smaller, your queues will go up, not down.
Hey Blizz, we don’t want or need your stupid BG Holidays, we just want queue times to be fast. I rerolled alliance for a fast queue time, and now you’re screwing it up for me again. Thanks so so much, I am seriously considering cancelling my sub again.
Yeah, if this provides a massive increase in queue times for leveling brackets, my two subscriptions will be cancelled.
Sounds like this will lead to more pugs getting farmed, not less, if there are far fewer alli twinks to take up the slack…
Yeah, but just so you know, this lovely sentiment went straight out the window before the game even launched. Your “personal feeling” appears to be that they are somehow trying to claw back some authenticity with this, but I disagree.
Yup pretty much. Now both sides will farm pugs into the ground further killing the lower leveling battlegrounds.
So… like a month before people just stop queuing altogether? Sad.
I knew they’d do something to screw up twinks. AGAIN (she says on a half finished one from retail, where they also screwed up twinks). That’s why I didn’t get in a hurry to put in a big investment. Every time I do, they mess something up. So sorry guys, I just started working on one in “classic” and I guess I jinxed it again.