Battleground Cannons

Can someone fix the battleground cannons already? It randomly causes people to not be able to launch any projectiles, demo’s in strands or isle, cannons in either, etc.
It effects alot of people, everyone mentions it happening in chat.
Reloads and game resets don’t fix it.
It carries on among several battlegrounds, so if it bugs in Isle, then you go to the next BG and it’s Strands you still can’t use the cannons.
A reload wont fix it. Logging out and in wont fix it (does like 1/10 times for me).

Seriously, give me access to the git repo and I’ll fix it.

Also, bring back being able to opt out of certain bgs in a rando bg que


This has been a thing since the start of Wrath. It needs to be fixed.