Ive seen a rogue/mage stealth over me at LH perform like a glad team and cross CC 3 ppl on my team and cap it as we were forced to watch in horror. These are 2100-2450 CR players though. The matchmaking algorithm decided to humble me and now all my games are Vs players WAY above my skill level. Getting beat by current glads, doesnt hurt my feelings, but after the 9th loss Vs them in a day I WANT to take an MMR that puts me back Vs folks of my skill level.
It’s awful because the balance system is horrendous. Blizzard doesn’t care either because they want ques to pop really fast, so it doesn’t matter if one team is a bunch of glads and the other are NPCs who just barely got to 80 wearing leveling greens.
there seriously needs to be a “you must be 1600 in another bracket to que” lockout or something. This game mode is trash because of bad players.
from 6 games that I played today I know that this mode is just a random bg but with rating that can be easily cheesed out with duo premades…
Yep. I’m not too happy either. Lots of pressure to have to carry the team to a win. If you win, very little CR progression. If you lose, there goes your MMR.
High risk, low reward lobbies are commonplace.
There were no true 1100 MMR rated teams in the first week, but now… people who are just starting at 1500 and even people who have a very high win rate, but with not many games played are getting pulled down into horrible MMR games just so the thin population of people at extremely low MMR can have decent queue times.
Thanks, but Heckin is a high level player and the issues happening with what is wrong with Blitz aren’t knowledge or skill related, they are system related.
There were outlier matches in the DF seasons every once in awhile, but it seems like somewhere between 70%-80% of the matches I go into with high win rate percentage people (with not many games played individually since my time is spread across thirteen characters) are outlier matches where one side is 200-400 MMR higher than the other.
And since high win rate people are at the top of their team for personal MMR, that means the other people on the team are actually lower than the overall team MMR.
So, as mentioned above, that means there is extra pressure on you to carry the match but with much lower CR gain than you would have otherwise had in a game where the MMR was more evenly matched and with the risk of losing to a team much lower than your personal MMR.
This is very much not good.
I don’t look people up.
And all respect, I still assert there is an attitude problem, not a system problem.
It’s RT.
This happened to my friend on his shaman yesterday. He was 9W 3L and we won a match and he only got 31 CR because the enemy team was that far below our personal MMRs. And, the match wasn’t a total gimme because we had to adjust to compensate for several mistakes from our team.
I got 71 CR for the match because I was 8W 3L. Literally getting robbed of CR and put in high risk, low reward matches consistently.
RBGs were even worse : P
RBG, as an acronym, stands for “Waiting Lobby Simulator.”
2+2 makes… ? ? ?
Yeah. That’s RT.
The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.
Blitz its a faster BG with a “Rating”… its excruciating to do them and i wouldnt touch them without a 10 ft pole barge…
Aren’t you 1100 rating?
Blitz would be amazing if it was NOT players vs Premades, queue sync Premades are making the boosters a mountain of cash.
The RMT win trading boosting stuff is out of control, and running off the player base. Most players will not complain on the forums they just quit… And considering that Mythic + is a toxic hellscape atm, only place left to go is to another game.
Go check out the EU forums, same problems there to, with nothing but silence from Blizzard about it.
29 days later.