40 player, shrinking zone such as all other BR games.
Instanced zones. Maybe current content world zones or maybe rotates around popular zones from all content.
But use the opening skydive from Seething Shore. Spread out Anima power nodes and vendors. Elites with limited time and on use items similar to Ashran.
Would be a great way to make a fun new BG that takes minimal new content.
Balance is already bad as is, this would be a lot of fun imo but it’d never be balanced well
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I’d paricipate but…something tells me this wouldn’t excite the community too much
not really something people are asking for.
But I would love to try something like this
I agree. There is some RNG to other Battle Royale games already. And as far as balance go. As long as people know it’s for the memes it might slide.
Maybe this could be a brawl. Some of those are already pretty scuffed in terms of balance.
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Do you really wanna face against a Warlock’s literal Burning Crusade?
It would be better without objectives like seething shore had. Just a shrinking map, and let her eat.