Battle Pets Not Showing up in Armory

I went to the wow armory and for some reason none of my battle pets are showing up for any of my toons. Is this a known issue or is there a way to fix this? The pets are then when I’m in-game but not on the armory so I can’t see my collection on any of the other sites for managing your battle pets. (ex. Simple Armory, Warcraft Battle Pet, etc.)

If you’re talking about the character/account that you’re posting on, it’s a new one I haven’t seen. Usually it’s an error message when trying to view collections that people report, but your armory is acting like you don’t have any pets at all from what I can see.

I also just check your armory and see zero pets in your collection, someone check mine please

6 hours after your post, I see in your profile that you have a substantial pet collection (1790 pets).

But Nitza still has no visible pets. No error message but zero pets in collection.

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