Battle Pet "Revoked"

Okay all… I am just returning to the game since before 9.2. came out…

I went to summon one of my favorite pets… The “Dread Hatchling”. It is now showing greyed out and says battle pet locked / revoked… I do very much own the warlords of draenor collectors edition. In fact… the Dread Raven mount still works just fine… It is only the pet that is having the problem.

  • EDIT - Fixed for me all! Thank you for submitting tickets and working as a community to get this resolved.

Happy Hunting!


Hmm, mine is revoked as well :thinking:

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Crazy! It was fine yesterday as I had just updated my battle pet collection on warcraftpets but here we are… I wonder how they broke this one lol.

Please if anyone else is experiencing this reply to this thread and create a ticket lets get this one solved

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Hmm, you’re right. I submitted a bug report on this pet.

Same problem here.

My guess is that it’s related to a glitch back in 2014. Early days of WoD the Dread Hatchling was tradeable, almost certainly by mistake. This got changed in a patch to make sure you’d have to pay real money to Blizzard to get it.

Either intentionally or as a by-product of some other change, could be that it’s been “fixed” 8 years later so that you can only use the pet if you bought that Collector’s Edition, even though it’s still in your Pet Journal and the Armory. And the “fix” is obviously broken; me and OP did buy the WoD CE, didn’t just get the pet off the AH.

Does seem worthwhile to flood Blizzard with tickets on this.

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Yeah i jus ticketed this, dread hatchling was part of my lineup so i realized this right away, smh. The mount is still available for me to use, so idk what the deal is with this. They both were part of the same CE package lmao. I have the acheivment for both the pet and the mount so, i definitly didnt buy mine. The past transaction for it is still on my account.

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I ticketed this too! I’m so mad about not having this pet…I named it after a good friend and I hate that I can’t summon my “Rayfyst” I’m glad to know it’s not just me though.

That is why my collection on warcraft pets changed when I did a update today on my account I was at 1389 and when I updated today it went too 1388…

I am sorry to see everyone else is going through this… I hope this gets more awareness because this is some straight garbage

Yep just logged onto my account and its grayed out for me too…dang it…will put in ticket in the morning time too tried to write a ticket that doesn’t get me bounced out LOL…thanks for the info Moonslay…

Just noticed that mine is greyed out and unable to be summoned. It doesn’t show as Revoked for me though.

I still show the achievements:


I posted this in my bug report comment also, but it only shows as “revoked” for me in the Rematch addon interface, and is just unsummonable in the standard Blizzard UI (greyed out button).

Agreed. it only shows “revoked” if you are running the addon “rematch” otherwise it is just greyed out. however if you go to summon it it shows a diff message like battle pet locked or something like that with rematch disabled.

I am linking this post in my ticket so that they can hopefully see that this is a very common issue right now. They did give me a reply that basically tried to close my ticket and refer me to bug reporting forums lol… yeah no not that easy try again.


When I first saw this forum thread this morning I did some checking and in addition to making sure the Dread was still in my Pet Journal, also found it was still in my account on the Armory.

Looked at Armory again tonight after seeing your post and it’s now gone from there.

Hoping this means someone is messing with the pet glitch trying to fix it.

Lets hope so but please put in a ticket anyway…we need to push this…

LOL smart move Moonslay…they always try to brush you off with stuff like this happens…keep pressure up…I have been bouncing from realm to realm both side reporting it in trade chat and tell folks to put in ticket too…I even posted in general forums about it and folks there saying theirs is greyed out too…and I also put a post up on MMO Champs too about this…the more its report more pressure we can put to them.

That is awesome, I will start talking to my guild and the area chats about it as well

Its a good pet lmao, i use it in one of my lineups, call darkness and nocturnal strike are really good. The ticket i put in they basically blew off, they gave me a response of that they were busy etc etc and referred me to a bunch of like guides on that get you nowhere, i kept the ticket up.

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Thank you Haze keep that ticket up please…

Same issue here. My Dread Hatchling is no longer accessable. I’ve also opened a ticket.