Battle Pet "Revoked"

Thank you Necronas.

+1, Dread Hatchling revoked for me too. Other pets are fine.

Putting in a ticket just saw that mine is revoked as well and I for sure have the achievement for having the collectors edition.

I received a reply to my ticket saying that they’ve received numerous reports of the missing pet and that they’re actively working to solve the problem. So at least they’re aware of it and that it is a bug.


idk why my original post was removed, but one of the questions i has was if this pet was ever on the BMAH?

Never heard of it showing up there and that would be most doubtful. It got “revoked” once before, 8 years ago, if you’d gotten one off the regular AH without having bought the WoD CE. When the pet first became available it was mistakenly classified as tradeable so could be caged and sold. Blizzard patched this quickly.

it’s fixed now, i was able to summon it just now. idk when the fix went in


Yeah, it seems fixed for me to.


And warcraftpets pet count for me went back up one.

Yep mine is working now too…Thanks all whom put in tickets and reported the issue …

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ok… well i just experienced this REVOKED thing with my battlepet COREHOUND…and got the flip card answer to go check out totally irrelevant articles …the old ‘put the hat back on your head’ try… after 18 years with this outfit im seriously thinking of walking away…what a shame…

Have you turned off Authentication? You need to have some sort of authenticator active to use the Core Hound Pup.


Sounds like that is what happened cause that pet it linked too the Authenticator.

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wow thanks for that… yes i did deactivate my authenticator due to it going dead and no they dont have those anymore…lol…but just why is that the case…?? is it just for one pet? or many… and where did you get that info…my ticket has 24 days left for any answer… the first answer was to read blizz articles pertaining to WTLK info… thanks for the heads up

The Core Hound Pup is an account-wide pet available to World of Warcraft players on realms located in North America, Europe, and Korea. After attaching an authenticator, you’ll find the Core Hound Pup waiting in your in-game mailbox.

If you remove your authenticator, the pet will disappear from your collection after you log out. You’ll need to reattach an authenticator to receive the pet again.

Core Hound Pup was kind of a bribe from Blizzard to get people to use authentication. Not just cause they were being nice, but their Customer Service people had to spend time cleaning up accounts after they got hacked.

They’ve pretty much gone to 2-factor ID checking now, you get a code sent to your phone or something. I don’t think the keychain devices are available anyone. And yeah, inevitably the battery’s got to run out on those.

The Pup is the only pet that’s dependent on using authentication.

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The software authenticator running on an Android or IOS mobile device counts. Set one of those up, add it to your account, and the Core Hound Pup will become available again in your collection.

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/tries to find where on the game box it says “Requires separate Android or IOS mobile device to play this PC game”.

/grumble grumble


Joke’s on you.

There is no game box, and amost certainly never will again. (Other than Collectors’ Editions.)