Battle pet bug

Why is it saying battle pets I just used are too high level for me to re-equip after caging. I just got the achievement for 20 has a 21 pet and now I can’t re-equip any of them. I mean i had them unequipped for like 5 minutes why can’t I put them back on now.

I am not 100% sure I understand what you’re saying but maybe I do - You can only learn pets of the highest level of wild pet you have captured or leveled. So, if you have captured lets say a level 18 pet or leveled a pet to 18 as your highest, you cannot ‘learn’ a caged pet that is higher level than 18. You -must- level your pets or capture one in the wild at a higher level in order to learn the caged pet.

I get that, the problem is that I leveled them and have the achievement for level 20 battle pets. I put them in a cage and now 30 seconds later I couldnt uncage them back into my collection.

Can you confirm the name of the achievement you got? I tried checking your armory page but it is not working. Per your online pet collection, you do not have a pet higher than level 18.

Also, your original issue you state that you got the level 20 achievement, but the pet you are trying to learn is level 21? If this is the case, then you cannot learn a level 21 pet. Can you try to update your WoWArmory page so I can look at it, or provide another character that has an armory page that works so I can check your achievements and pet collection?

I would recommend getting a pet or 2, to level 25 and then not caging them and trying to then learn your caged pets. Since there is no reason to cage any of your pets unless you are trying to sell them.

Also, I am more than happy to provide you help in-game if needed. I think there could be a way to resolve this, but without me being able to see your armory page, I can’t really help any more.

Appreciate your response. I ended up just leveling a pet to 25 and resolved it. I also had level 20 pets I could not equip even with the level 20 achievement.

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This is my problem in Beta. Although on my original character in Retail I have many hundreds of level 25 pets, I was unable to uncage any of the level 25 pets I had with me when I copied a character over. Its as if everything about the character was copied over EXCEPT the battle pet systems and achievements.

I cant seem to open any level cage atm. logged in for the first time in about a month, and it wont let me learn level 1 pets.

Have you tried doing this without any addons installed? I know it seems silly maybe, but with all the UI changes there have been loads of LUA errors and addon errors that don’t make any sense, but can stop you from doing basic things.

Give that a try and see if you still have the problem. If so, then its just a matter of figuring out what addon is causing the problem. I recommend using Bugsack and BugGrabber simultaneously. These addons will grab errors like this and let you know exactly where they are rooted, in which case helps with reporting the issue.

Also make sure you try more than one pet to see if its specific to just a particular one or many/all (which I think you’re saying you have done).

If it still doesn’t work, its possible that the problem is on blizzards end, I would definitely open a ticket for it.