Battle mages?

So when are we getting battle mages?

This has been my question for years, and every second xpack I am disappointed by something like DK/Monk/DH. Now expecting to see Battle Mage next xpack is a bit of a stretch at this point because we will probably another meme class like Tinkers, yuck.

So how about we take a mage spec which lacks diversity and any real substance (Arcane), and make it a… tanking spec!

This would work into the Battle Mage class fantasy, and provide another much needed tank spec for the game, while not requiring to create an entire new class (Which would be better).



Posted using the wrong toon, RIP.

I think arcane mages should be able to toggle ranged and melee damage seeing as they make us go into melee range for aoe damage. it could give us more HP or mitigation to be in melee range, spells would become weapon based, maybe different timers but damage wouldn’t change.

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Ideally Battle Mages would have 3 specs, Tank/Melee/Ranged.

To separate the BMage from the regular one, the ranged spec could conjure magical weapons then hurl them at their enemies!

At this point I highly doubt the devs’ ability to make a new class without somehow ripping off one or more of the existing ones; especially one with a melee magic hybrid theme.

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They seem to be struggling in general…

Lol enh shaman can be call a batter mage but…

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I would not call tinker a meme class.

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As Raidox says, Enh shaman fills the roll of the ‘battle-mage’ already. It might not be themed as a battle-mage, but that’s essentially what he is. A mid-melee range magical and physical DPS with magic utility.

Except a battlemage is a tanky caster and shamans go splat waaaaay too fast to be anything close to battlemages lol.

I also wish we had a battlemage class, with both a tank and a dps tree.

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Battlemages have never officially been described in terms that suggest tank tier resilience. People just assume they would be.

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I disagree, whenever a battlemage appears in fantasy literature they are eaither heavily armored or very resilient and difficult to kill. Theres a big difference between mages and battlemages. Mages are usually more akin to scholars, battlemages are geared exclusively toward battle. That usually means eaither heavy armor, or difficult to penetrate spells, or a combination of both.

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It would be fun to have a spec that used its mana spenders at range, and rather than a cooldown of evocation to get mana back - you used a melee stance to gain your mana back and jump out again and repeat. I feel like it would be more interesting in balancing when to use your skills around mechanics… but I’m also sure people like arcane how it is so I wouldn’t want another “survival” situation going on

that’s why it would be nice to be able to switch back and forth as an arcane mage. It’s hard to say at this time though because arcane is punished so much with movement.

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With the heal on instants azerite traits and needing melee range for my aoe (arcane), I already feel like a battle mage. Just one who needs serious skedaddling powers.

Love the melee-ranged hybrid idea for arcane (or it could be a 4th/5th spec?)! I’d definitely play that, but I guess that might take away from what enhancement shamans are.

I’d love some actual armor too - like plate but lighter and smaller idk what the right term is sorry lol

I’ve wanted to be a mage tank since Vanilla. I support this idea.

Plus, Arcane has always felt like a gimmick spec to me because Arcane was the support tree in Vanilla and then later they decided to try and make it a DPS spec. I think they should just give up on the idea at this point and make Arcane a tank spec.