The battle mage is a cross between a warrior and a mage/spell caster.
The battle mage is similar to a pally but cool
The battle mage can be focused on protection of healers and spellcasters
battle mages wield two handed weapons imbued with magic
battle mages combine healing, protection, massive damage and cool pick up lines
battle mages can be full damage / half protection half damage and full protection
a battle mage is a cross between Varian and Aegwynn or Kael
and of course I will offer my talents to beta test the battle mage spec
thank you
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You mean like the Blood elves guard (Battle mage guy in W3) with a shield and warglaive
yea something like that - think like varian like bad azz warrior mixed with a some mage abilities and some heals…
its like a pally but a different version
good input ty
I think it might be cooler if there was a hunter spec that was closer to a battle mage.
Don’t make me wear mail or plate on my mage please
battle mage would be a new class
i would love to wear plate on a battle mage
In a way, that’s kind of like a frost DK. Always felt my frost DK played more like a caster with a short range than a melee class. Especially in legion when they were broken.
yea it kinda is - it would be a cross between a warrior mage and pally - and pvp more focused on peeling from casters to keep them protected to allow them to do more
this is coming from someone who has mained a mage pre expansions, warrior, priest, pally and now a druid
would like to see 1-3 new classes
Legion DK was the best I didnt even care it was dual wielding
legion frost DK was soo much fun, until Antorus when they nerfed it : (