Battle-Mage / Blood-Mage

Should there be spec or talent option upon fire, to create Battle Mage? Where it’s a mixture of physical and shorter-range spell-casting (Like Evoker) abilities?

I feel it could be fun, and spice things up a bit. Obviously pour some additional defenses in, like 250 - 300% armor or something (They’re clothies, so even 300% isn’t as big as it seems).

For those that are confused about me stating ‘Talent option for fire’ - for this kind of playstyle, what I mean by that is: You could simply transfuse fire-spec with a talent choice, that transforms certain abilities into others upon selection of the talent. Somewhat like a stance, however upon selecting the talent, it’s NOT a ‘Turn off & on’ - It would simply act as a passive core-mechanic upon the spec / class.

Some transformative abilities could be like:

  • Pyroblast → Pyroblade: Slash the target with your weapon, dealing (185.234% of Spell power) Fire damage. Initial damage would still be increased by 5% when the target is above 70% health or below 30% health. Ability would have 3.5 Second Cooldown. Physical Range
  • Scorch → Scorching Dash: Dash to your target with blazing speed, slashing them with (26% of Spell power) fire damage. 30 yard range. 4 second cooldown.
  • Fireblast & Phoenix Flames would remain the same, however distance reduced to 25 yards (Down from 40).
  • Dragon’s Breath & Blazing barrier will remain the same.
  • Fireball → Flaming Slash: Strike the target with your weapon, dealing (114.27% of Spell power) Fire damage. Physical Range
  • Additional Ability: Bloodmagi’s Radiance: Three fiery orbs swirl around you, hitting a target within it’s range dealing (90% Spell-Power) Fire-damage per orb. Each orb can only detonate within 1.5 seconds of one another. Multiple targets can be hit with a singular detonation. 1 minute Cooldown.

— Now do keep in mind, this is all mere inspired speculation of how the class spec could - Be played - Not that’s how it should be. I’m merely throwing ideas to amuse, inspire, gesture & discuss :slight_smile:

:fire: Feel free to share your own speculations & ideas upon ‘Battle-Mage’ / ‘Blood-Mage’ along with your agreeance, or perhaps various extensions upon what’s above that could be made to improve the viability & enjoyment of the playstyle. :grin:

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Just no. Fire is incredibly mobile in PVP, let’s keep it that way.

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I remember back in Vanilla a lot of the Scarlet Crusade mobs were “battle mages” they duel-wielded a sword and staff (which I thought was really cool) and usually used short ranged spells like Arcane Explosion, Blast Wave and Frost Nova.

I definitely think it would be something cool that could be added to the game but either as a separate spec or an entirely new class. Mage has excited since launch and people are just too attached to their specs to tolerate something like a Survival Hunter rework.

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Oh gosh no, please no 12 year old boy’s ninja anime fantasy elements in WoW please, Sub Rogue rework in Legion was already bad enough for that.

Props to someone for once not ‘coming up with the idea’ to turn Arcane in to a ‘spellblade’ spec or whatever the hell you cringy edgelords call melee Mages these days, no one ever picks Fire or Frost for their terrible fantasy where they try and make Enhancement Shaman 2.0.

Sorry, we’ll never have a battle mage spec. ,Evokers already have that.