Battle ground blitz

It’s super obvious that people are trying to sync this mode can we get a fix blizzard?


I played 5 blitz today and some rounds of solo shuffle and i reached a conclusion: I love solo shuffle.


Ok? that’s not the conversation is it.


the queue dropping and asking if ready repeatedly isnt from people dropping queue to try and sync. heals can queue with a buddy tho.

How can you sync this?

Even if you pair up going into the same Blitz, there’s no guarantee you’ll be on the same team as anyone other than your duo


and that will stop them from trying why?

Then what is it? because it’s the only mode that it happens so much in… even raid finder isn’t that bad.

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Well, if they wind up on different teams, One team will gain mmr and one team will lose mmr. Decreasing the likelihood that they run into each other again

again… that doesn’t explain how that stops them… they go out of their way to exploit so why would they stop with solo shuffle?

If they have a big enough difference in mmr, they will no longer run into each other in blitz. Blitz isn’t going to put 1500 teams with 2000 teams.

If people are Q syncing Blitz, they have to be prepared for only one team to progress. And every time that happens, Q syncing becomes more improbable until it’s impossible

MMR in SS is barely a thing… if they made it work like normal MMR it would take ages to find a game… it’s simply in testing right now… and that doesn’t explain why the queue gets dropped so many times in a row… it’s not “afk” people because it doesn’t even happen in raid finder that much and that has a much longer time so explain all the queue dropping.

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The Q gets dropped because it requires 16 willing participants to all be at their screens and ready to queue at the same time

I’ve missed Blitz Qs because of inattentiveness, being in a duel, going afk, or deciding to do something else right as the Q popped

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ok… it’s only 16 people… raid finder is way more… yet queues don’t get dropped anywhere as many times as SS I had one where it got dropped almost 10 times… with your logic raid finder would drop over 10 times… so no that’s not the reason lol

I don’t PVE so I’m not sure whether Raid Finder needs all 25 people present to enter

But even Shuffle Qs get dropped. People miss Qs for entirely innocent reasons

The only players who could even frequently Q sync are Healer duos, because they have priority access to Qs. Solo DPS wouldn’t be able to pull it off

And again, once teams diverge in Mmr- that’s it: no more Q syncing

(Blitz also has this annoying thing where if you invite someone while you’re in a Blitz Q, they aren’t added to your Q. So you have to drop and reQ together.)

… of course it does… and yes, I get people go afk and stuff… but not like this bud… it’s very obvious you’re not willing to have a logical conversation and you’re just going to keep repeating the same nonsense so please move along.

Just trying to help out, but if you think Q drops must equate to intentional Q syncing then I really don’t care to change your mind :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re not helping out you’re repeating the same nonsense thing over and over… if it was just afk or something innocent, raid finder would take forever to get into… but it doesn’t so logically it’s not that. What I am guessing is you are a queue sync person simply here to deny like normal.

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I am a solo q person but even i can say here that ppl dont q sync blitz thats impossible to accurately accomplish.

You are thinking about a pair of people or just a small handful of people. And, eventually they would get MMR split. However, larger communities (like epic BG communities) will have a wide spread of MMRs and can queue sync and then just filter into subchannels depending on who gets in with who.

Some move up. Some move down. But with enough people the chances are high that there will be people in the same community landing in the same BG. If they end up on the same side. Good for them. If they end up on opposite sides then they can troll or engage in match manipulation.

One of the epic BG community leaders has already admitted they try to sync BGB. They had the sadz that they don’t always get people on the same side though. Aw. :frowning:


I’ve dropped queues because I wanted to finish a Hunt. It happens and thats the beauty of a rated solo queue. I can continue playing the game instead of waiting in a raid.

I doubt communities will Q sync this. Its not worth it. Also they are Epic BG communities, they usually focus on that.


You don’t get gem sockets or extra weekly conquest gear doing epic BGs.

I wouldn’t link dropped queues to q-sync attempts (successful ones anyway). If enough people are queueing then dropping queues wouldn’t be necessary anyway. Just let the chips fall as they may.

Will it have a huge impact? I don’t think so. But, it will happen. People just generally suck at being people.