Gotta give him props for playing Fury though … it’s probably the weakest melee spec for solo play .
That was one hell of match there.
RUIN ended up losing but was one hell of a fight. Got to give props.
We came in at 120 to 1400 and lost by a mere 60 points. Just couldn’t beat Whatupdayz at Thorastal.
All in all we had 3 raid groups total. Looks like Horde had a good 60 or so not including the multi boxer.
Good game.
He is arms. Which is a lot weaker than fury, excepting arenas.
You had way more than 3 groups, the ammout if zerg is insane, can’t even kill 1 before 5 more show up. And we only had 1 raid and a hero at Thoras.
The multiboxer has what 20 toons ? Half a raid right there
Even more credit to him then. Atleast he is not running fotm classes
I love my warrior. I usually run Arms when I play him because that healing debuff and damage is awesome! I just bring pots for healing.
We did not. We had 4 groups listed in raid finder, but none of them were full. The group I was in only had 25 people in it at the end and there was another that only had 10 max.
And I had 42+ on my scanner at Zin at one point. While other points were reporting 10+ themselves. So you had 60 easily not including the multi boxer.
There is no shame in losing 3 raid groups to 2.5 raid groups, 2942 to 3000, when we gave you 1400 head start.
No that’s arms.
If we had 42 at zin you’d never take it, unless you bring 80 people.
Put some clothes back on please … who do you think you are…a blood elf?
Woah woah… hate game not the player! Besides I could wash my laundry on these abs!!
you KNOW if horde had 4 raids IT would be over in 5 minutes?
Even 3 raids against your 2?
The ALLIANCE struggle to win AGAINST 2 Mi10 raids with 4 raids.
All IN all
You are THE FIRST ruin member to BE HONEST about YOUR LOSS in the LAST BATTLE.
i very MUCH enjoyed it, no CRASH lag BUT still PLAYABLE.
one of the MI10 raid valiantly fought of zerges of 100 alliance on FLAG, it WAS a test for the two horde RAIDS.
Mi10 FOUGHT outnumbered with 2 raids AGAINST your 4, WOULD RUIN do the SAME?
Rep that shirtless tmog with pride!!!
It’s my normal mog now that winter veil is over and I can’t be Santa anymore
Last BATTLE when ruin lost to Mi10.
GG to both RUIN and Mi10.
Looks good on you. Check out my sweet mutton chops!
That’s a big oof right there.
I just woke up made my bear some breakfast and I see you guys still talking about him? In the immortal words of joe dirt. Daaaaaannngggg lol
You need to use the big tree branch mace from WoD