Battle for Nazjatar

I know, that’s why I said it

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I’m sure you said it because even though he hasn’t been here for a few days you just can’t stop thinking and talking about him. But we all know what’s up :wink:

you just said hes been killing yesterday and today, so obviously youre a liar. trying keeping your story straighter kid

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I meant on the forums chump. Keep up lol. He has been on game killing you guys non stop

we already knew that babycakes, hes suspended

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Then you are just slow. Sorry about that :frowning:

well pretty obvious you ran out of anything worthwhile, go ahead and say what you want after I leave this, youre boring, and papabear is a ninka logger. have fun boosting his ego, looks like he needs it

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All I’m hearing and seeing is :sob:

I’d just like to point out that the player demanding a duel is a guardian druid.

And then they wonder why nobody wants to duel something that heals for 30% of its health every 15 seconds while having 1m health.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.


My spy shows a different story I got 11 kbs to his 1

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Krs said he’d do it on his Monk as well. But either way - baby bear said he 1 v 10’s Alliance and wins. He talks a big game about what he is capable of. He claims we send in whole raids after him, yet he takes many down at once. (solo? hahaha) So which is it? The reality is baby bear only can gank low ilvl noobs or call in help like he did the other day. Nice try though.

Still talking about him? I mean he did say something about you having a thing for him and your dude wasn’t cutting it. But ehh lol

Whats the deal with a bunch of Horde assassins in Nazjatar hiding in the back of the cave in Newhome? It seems like everytime someone gets announced as an assassin, they immediately run back there. As someone who rarely world pvps, what gives?

They were trying to see how it feels to be alliance for a few. They probably didn’t like it very well since it’s not in horde nature to hide like the alliance. But they heard it was all the rage these days.

i log every bounty I get :smiley: And I get a lot of em, it’s annoying.

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You can usually find 5 or 6 horde parked up the giant back there’s butt crack. Though I guess the horde are used the smell of excrement. Hiding up there must remind them of orgrimmar.

But why is he so important to devote (now) almost 150 posts to?
Sounds like some no name loser to me.

Not sure whyd you’d waste so much time arguing with him.

I know right? Papabear has to be a no name loser for so many to devote so much forum time and also in game time trying to get hks on him. Hehehe

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What Monk spec …Brewmaster ?

Players playing tank spec don’t get to call anyone out for 1-1.

I asked him to 1v1 multiple times earlier and in another thread and he/his zipper attendant have both dodged.

I also main unholy so I’m not a tank spec.

Then again, I’m also not sub-420 ilvl so I’m guessing that’s why he’s dodging.

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Scorched Earth policies is where we are at in Australia at the moment :slight_smile:

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