If they are coming into a situation where they know there’s server stress but still commit to it knowing there’s probably going to be a server crash, it’s intentional. Point blank. It doesn’t have to be stated. That’s how it’s always worked.
RUIN has been bringing in 4 raid group into a phase for the past several months. There is no way for m10 to bring in their own 4 without causing server crashes.
Given that RUIN has essentially been here first, what mi10 is doing is effectively intentionally crashing the servers.
Can certainly agree that RUIN should then not thump their chest about their PvP prowess. They either are a service to the Alliance offering easy wins or they are there to fight the Horde.
RUINs strat could be argued to be the buying 4 houses and not upgrading to hotels strat (Monopoly) of WoW. Well within the rules, but deprives the enemy of any ability to fight.
Papabear got suspended from forums for a week because you weak people can’t take the heat and reported him.
You contradict yourself so much. You want to let alliance shard hop to continuously control zones for easy wpvp on their end. And also stream and brag about it. Then when horde come on forums and are upset over it you say we can do same thing or turn wm off. Well it’s wpvp. You have said many times it’s not fair. Sorry that we bring in equal numbers in wpvp to fight alliance. At this point it’s blizzards fault servers can’t handle it. But horde will be damned if we continue to let alliance feel they are superior just because they were here first and want laggy zerg wins.
CAN I just SAY
Probably because he opened a thread trying to name and shame people …
Yeah except you’re crashing servers. Intentionally. There’s the word you seem to forget.
Regardless the reason he is suspended and people couldn’t handle the thread so they reported and ran to their safe spaces
That doesn’t seem very fair to say it’s intentional. Their intent is to fight RUIN. In that same instance, RUIN is guilty for causing major server lag by bringing in 4 raids, knowing the servers can’t handle it. “That’s how it’s always worked”
People get banned or suspended for causing intentional server lag, so does that mean RUIN should be banned? See how this logic is really flawed?
Yes, and causing major server lag. Don’t act as if the server has never crashed before due to RUIN. It has happened before. I remember people complaining about it way back September when servers were still unstable. Blizzard sort of fixed this in a past hotfix, but still lagged like hell.
They’re still contributing to that. You’re creating an ultimatum where there is no other option in your eyes other than, “phase or leave the zone.” even though its War Mode. People are there to WPvP. By bringing in that many raid groups you’re creating a situation where no one can fight back against you unless they bring in their raid groups, which will essentially crash the server. You’re forcing people to either leave and let you win, or bring in their raids and blame them for crashing the server. Both situations, it’s your fault.
It’s also not supposed to cause the entire shard to lag, or worse, crash. Just saying.
As MUCH as i LOVED the seeing MANY horde together over 160 on ONE shard THIS makes the SITUATION even worse.
BLIZZARD needs to put a BAN or WARN both OF these groups FOR the betterment of the GAME.
STARTING with RUIN because THEY bring 4 RAIDS, horde is JUST trying to counter them.
I’ve always wondered, do you utilize caps lock or hold shift down?
It should be obvious to you already. They aren’t there to PvP. They are there to PvE, and get Alliance prismatic manapearls and conquest. Just treat them as a force of nature or a PvE event, and you will be better off.
They at most can only ever hit 4-6 phases in a give battle for nazjatar when there dozens upon dozens of phases. View them as the mongol horde or hurricane they are and move off or accept the consequences.
Quit trying to PvP 160 vs 160 when the servers obviously cannot handle it. The strategy may be cheap, but there isn’t really any effective way to counter without crashing the server. Trying to counter is what is causing the crashes.
Unless blizz decides to limit the number each side can bring I doubt RUIN is gonna change their operating procedure any time soon.
Horde are dumb.
It doesn’t matter if they are there to PvP or not. They opted into War Mode. Problems in War Mode are usually met with the, “PvP problem? PvP solution.” response.
That’s how it’s always been and that’s the Blizzard answer for whenever anyone is getting camped. Deal with it on your own, whether that be to turn off War Mode or get a group and fight back. And that’s what Horde players are doing, dealing with it on their own, by getting a group and fighting back. Now with that being said…
There isn’t any other solution. You either fight back or turn off War Mode, (or leave the zone, same difference) and they’re deciding to fight back. It wouldn’t be a 160v160 if RUIN didn’t bring so many raid groups to begin with.
You’re trying to eliminate the PvP option in War Mode by bringing in so many players that if Horde retaliates, it’ll crash the server. The root of the problem begins with this strategy. Because of this, Blizzard won’t take action against Mi10.
That’s more blizzards fault in a faction Bud.
Horde can’t let Alliance have one thing can they?
Horde win 90% of phases due to being the dominant force in warmode.
The solution is that the Alliance on those losing shards decide to open up LFG panel and join a RUIN raid. RUIN being the kind a generous hosts they are decide to allow as many Alliance members as possible join them in a winning phase.
Horde get their panties in a twist because they aren’t dominating 100% of phases.
They want to destroy the only way Alliance can win out of spite.
Just let Alliance have a win bro.
They desperately need it. In PvP they are desperately out numbered. Hence why they get AoO’s every week.
Look at WoWprogress and Raider.io
. Horde dominate the rankings in PvE.
Alliance are losing on every front except out of game lore.
RUIN is the only win Alliance have in warmode and all you do is cry about it.
The only one who’s crying is you. You’re crying that Horde got together a raid group and won’t let Alliance win, as said here:
It has nothing to do with “letting Alliance have one thing.” You already have a 25% War Mode bonus because of the fact that you’re outnumbered in War Mode. I don’t see how its the Horde’s fault that Alliance aren’t participating in War Mode. In my opinion, its because you have too many players who are there for the PvE and not the PvP.
And that seems to be right, as you said here:
War Mode is for PvP. Not to PvE. People are in War Mode for the wrong reasons and people only turn on War Mode with RUIN to get a win for their manapearls and their conquest. The bonus is meant to lure players to give War Mode a chance, but has also attracted the wrong players to War Mode such as those who are there to PvE.
And as for this comment, it has nothing to do with dominating phases. Both sides should be out to compete with each other. WPvP is about winning and losing and you won’t always win. Thinking that you’re somehow entitled to a win just because your faction is outnumbered is stupid. Even if you’re not there to PvP and only to PvE, don’t blame the players who are there to PvP.
They can have wins, that’s fine. They have to work for it though just as everyone else does. For instance, I can name a few awesome Alliance players here on the forums who work for their wins and are spectacular players. Percivall and Nomak for instance, they work for their wins. I would have no problem losing to them.
Yeah, this is because the Horde racials are the best if you’re looking for min/maxing. I’ve said it in the past, Blizzard needs to buff the Alliance racials to be on the same competitive edge, in their own way, to get players who want to min/max back on Alliance. It isn’t Horde’s fault.
Stating sad realities that RUIN is the only win Alliance have, is not crying bro.
Crying that RUIN is able to bring so many people to a phase that horde cannot fight back however is just that, crying.
(Claims of crying just appears to be one half hyperbole and another half appealing to the stone. I don’t agree with your argument, thus it must be crying.)
Horde will dominate you 10 to 1 and then tea bag your body. Yet they cannot handle losing 4 v 1 where RUIN brings in 4 raid groups and Horde bring in 40 players.
As I said. Horde just want to dominate 100% of phases.
Alliance is on their deahtbed. RUIN is the last vestige of any force that can fight back and win battle for nazjatar.
Horde won’t be happy until there is no Alliance left in warmode it seems.
A 25% warmode buff and AoO are not enough to entice players to turn on warmode where they will dominated handily.
Because it causes the shard to have unbearably bad lag or crash.
So the horde solution is to bring in 3 more raid groups guaranteeing a server crash. Brilliant.