Battle for Najzatar is just so stupid now

So the excess people or people who don’t want to queue are stuck in town doing nothing for the duration? Sounds stupid.

Like how it was in Ashran?

I mean you couldn’t possibly go to another zone and wait and do stuff well in the queue. Edit (said sarcasticly)

Agreed that this battle is silly. Each time it is up, I join an Alliance group, grab the quick 5 cap, kill the few horde that show up and then we all go raid New Home until the event is over. It always an easy 5 Nazjatar Battle Commendations.

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Will repost this here cause no-one is looking at it, and it keeps getting complained about.

This would make sense so blizz would never implement this. Currently there is no benefit to being a bounty other than being bait for for kill quests. Many ppl just log out to clear it so they aren’t immediately swarmed by locusts.

Completely agree, it’s ridiculous. Especially during the zone pvp event, was fun for a while before everyone got flying. Now you engage a few horde and 5-10 swoop down on you, use to take them at least a few minutes but now it’s a matter of seconds. Can’t even use the town/ outposts as protection or even help, they are completely useless.

Best thing to do is to either waiting until the event is over or just turn off war mode, though i can’t bring myself to do it because it would worsen the situation for everyone else.

The guild I am in, Ruinnation, puts up to 8 raid group across multiple phases during the battle for najzatar and just wrecks the horde in seconds. When 200 people drop into a zone the zone just stops and it becomes a PvP slide show for the entire event where the entire guild has been trained to just remember your rotations and keep going while the server catches up. It is not fun at all. The servers simply cannot handle it. The only real way to solve it would be somewhat devastating for our guild, but warmode needs to go, pvp servers need to come back, servers need to go back to being there own worlds, free transfers should be given out to help deal with it, racials should be totally re-balanced, and population controls must be put in to cap population imbalances. That will never happen because it causes as much damage to social interaction, guilds, and the player base as it solves. It’s a tough thing for blizzard to be dealing with. I do not envy them at all right now.


Yeah so have I, we surprisingly had some even fights yesterday and they were going back and forth which was some of the most fun I’ve had in WM.

Also yesterday was the first I have had Battle for Najzatar pop up for me in a couple days. We actually won it lol.

What’s funny is that Wintergrasp back in 2008 has a mechanic that boots you off flying mounts once the battle is under way.

Yet 11 years later, here we are with people just divebombing from the sky in a outdoor PvP event.


I always cherish where i PVP, like for instance, once i fought a paladin at Icecrown Citadel´s courtyard. The feeling of me a DK battling a Paladin on one side the Argent Crusade on the other the Lich King forces i felt like i belonged there at that time. That is something i would like to experience again rlly.

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Sharding and wpvp is like oil and water.


Those little skirmishes cab turn into huge fights. No groups, just angry questers looking for faction blood

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As will I. Wrath was by far the best of all the expacs in my opinion of course. Icecrown was my absolute favorite zone to quest in and pvp out there always had a legendary feel to it.

the icy wind howled As Percivall and Oblivion stood face to face for the first time since his orcish friend had fallen to the Lich king’s blade, several thoughts race through Percivall’s mind as one of his most trusted comrades icy stare cut through his very soul. The sad truth comes to his mind, that there is only one way this can end…and the Lich king will pay for his crimes… dramatic music


I’ve had few of those I’ll get my main moments. :joy:


I’d take a free for all iteration…bonus for killing your own faction.


So Ruin just publicly admitted deliberately lagging/crashing servers and players. Not something we didn’t already know, but surprised to see you boast about it.

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They had 4 guild running on my server way back when i was playing Warhammer Online.

They used to rush the order fortress when destro was attacking it to crashed the server, i even have swa some level 4 in that zone. Even if i was on the order side still was quite annoying the lag fest was crazy till the server said enough of this crap, force reboot.

Or those in NA alliance just go and join an oceanic realm? Its so easy to circumvent with sharding. Like why bother looking for fair fights. Just join a realm where your side dominates. Try to make friends from oceanic realms, then whenever they are on join their instance and pubstomp horde. Wew these kinda threads are boring to read alr.

I’m pretty sure the Oceanic thing involves time zones, so you can’t just shard over.

Yeah they ruined it. I was really enjoy it day 1 and day 2 in the world and now its just a kill people in town fest