Horde: Final boss appears to lose aggro and despawns at 60% hp.
same. please fix.
Can confirm, this has happened 4 different instances, 3x in Normal, 1x in Heroic.
Made sure in Heroic not to push final node or kill Ancient Protectors before Blightthrowers were finished, and still had the same issue.
Sira Moonwarden doesn’t move and participate in the fight.
If you burn Maiev too fast, she starts evading after casting Mass Vengeance and despawns/resets.
If you burn Maiev too slow, Sira Moonwarden depawns, which causes Maiev to despawn shortly after.
Tanking position for Maiev doesn’t seem to matter, having same issues no matter where she’s tanked in the room.
Happened just now on Normal to my group
Can confirm for both Heroic and Mythic. Only solution I found was to out dps the spell, but it is hard
Can anyone confirm if this has been fixed yet?
Not yet, did one normal just now, but worked because we managed to dps it enough
Group of 3 stuck there ;(
Any confirmation if this has been resolved?
Blizzard Support is Evading. Please reset the encounter.
Would appreciate a blue post commenting if this is fixed or not before wasting another hour of my life on a bugged bg.
Bumping , it would be great to have an update before I waste even more time on this bugged fight tomorrow
Hopte this gets fixed, but my hopes are really low, since everyone just cares about DF
Still bugged… this is ridiculous. Wasted another 40 min…
Just did the instance, still bugged, Sira doesn’t move, Maiev resets again and again
Same for me and the group I was just in. Please fix this; it’s incredibly frustrating to spend 30+ minutes only to not be able to complete the instance on the last boss.
Just got it today with a group of 12.
Build the base properly, go through all the normal progression steps you would have when the content was live.
Once you have got to the final step, you have to get 4 stacks of the DPS buff from Altar of Storms (forgot the name), and two DPS NPCs.
Save all your CDs, pop lust and burn her as quickly as possible. Once she finishes her cast she will start to evade, however all previously applied dots seem to stick, so hopefully your that will be sufficient for you to kill her.
Still not working and she keeps resetting. About 2 hours of testing.
Spawned into it with a group of maybe about seven, but three dropped due to being AFK. Ran into this bug and she reset about four times on our group of four.
It’s November 20, 2022 and still bugged!