Battle Chicken

Post from your speedrunning main pls. Oh you don’t have one? This is truly shocking

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If they remove battle chicken they might as well remove engineering from the game, there is literally no reason to use ENG. The items don’t work in arena, the goggles are trash until sunwell, the eng gun is trash, and arcanite dragonling is still broken and not scaling with engineering. Why would anyone go engineering for the goggles when they can go tailoring, leatherworking, or even BSing and get multiple peices made?

Some people play for fun. You might wanna try it some time. Not everything needs to be “BiS” in order to be fun.

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Thats a little hyperbolic. Plenty of people were engineering before we knew how to “reliably” trigger the chicken. Why would anyone go tailoring when most of the pieces are garbage? BS is borderline useless already, and will move fully there after next phase. Etc etc. Not every profession has a game-changing benefit for the entire expansion.


Hmm. Goggles this phase are equivalent to T5 Helm. Belt and net are common items in arena. Sappers are amazing.

My opinion is I don’t think it’s so much of a melee vs. caster conversation, but an abuse of game mechanics. Players are prolonging raids to ensure maximum uptime of 25% haste, so they can skew parses. I’m not sure how it can be a positive experience because it’s the equivalent of saying it’s fun to win the Tour de France using a motorcycle. There’s already a lot of variables that go into playing such as raid comp, consumables, strategy, etc. Adding another variable that makes you sit on your hands waiting for chicken buffs probably wasn’t the intention for the chicken’s design.

I think either: A) Make it a unique buff. B) Let it appropriately show up in WCLogs, so logs can be invalidated. C) Reduce the cooldown to 2 minutes with a 100% proc rate, so people don’t have to prolong raids and it’s accessible to everyone.

If they do change it, I guess I wouldn’t mind something like this:

-does not stack
-the 5% buff is a on use effect, but the trinket must remain equipped a la JC necklace buff
-retain 20 min cd


I don’t mean to alarm you but that Hunter had illegal world buffs in that clip.

But nobody tried hard in 2007 or min-maxed at all :upside_down_face:

Chicken buff is way more powerful, even a single stack. Like 4 times as powerful. Drums are only 25% uptime. Squawk is 100% for fights under 4 min.

Even in an 8 min. fight, it’s twice as good (50% uptime vs. 25%).

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True, I’m sure an inconsistent buff with a 4 minute uptime every 20 minutes will have a higher uptime than drums overall; guaranteed 30sec every 2 minutes. :thinking: yes math gud.

And flasks are 100% uptime
And scrolls are 100% uptime
And bloodlust with group swapping is 100% uptime

I don’t actually understand why you’re against chickens as a melee, unless you cba respeccing gnomish to get them. Don’t bring your personal bias to arguments please :slight_smile:

I mean he’s not entirely wrong but they’re not entirely analogous because of the CD and the coordination needed to pop it. If I’m in a speed running guild that is coordinated and ensuring everyone is using them then I agree it’s pretty overpowered. But for the majority of guilds where that isnt the case, where you may lose several minutes of the buff, if not the entire thing, before bosses as they make assignments, buff etc… chicken is somewhat difficult to use consistently.

So I’m not against a tinnitus buff etc to mitigate one extreme, but if they do that they need to make chicken more usable for everyone else as well imo

TBC was designed and tuned with those buffs in mind. It was not designed and tuned for players to have all that plus 25% (!) more damage.

I like challenging content. The game is more fun and rewarding, IMO, when players have to focus because wiping is a real possibility. Having melee and hunters suddenly gain a whopping 25% damage is effectively nerfing all the content. I don’t want to see that happen, as unfortunately happened in vanilla with world buffs.

And yes, on a personal level, I have invested tens of thousands of gold into patterns for my Jewelcrafting and Alchemy professions, and I like those professions. I make gold from AH from them, and it funds my raiding. I cut gems and make potions for my guild (potion master). I don’t want to feel pressured into switching professions mid-xpac because of some newly discovered cheesy exploit.

And it is an extremely cheesy exploit, IMO, one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Second only to world buffs in vanilla.

I think you’re being kinda liberal with “exploit” here. The only thing that changed is after 15 years people finally figured out how to reliably trigger the squawk.

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I’m okay with the chicken being nerfed personally. :woman_shrugging:


Considering that Vashj was cleared with wbuffs, I’d say yes. Yes they were. Original World of Warcraft design was built with RPG elements that rewarded you for min-maxing.

Hunters don’t use it as much as far as I know, and they had to nerf the current tier to its final state before it even ended. 25% haste isn’t guaranteed, you have less than 4 minutes when you pull, you need a mob that isn’t the boss to proc it on (a lot of those mobs kill the chicken before it can proc), and it’s on a 20 minute CD. I could see where your complains would be valid, but the amount of setup required isn’t reality for 99% of the playerbase.

It’s not new, nor is it cheesy. I distinctly remember during Naxx people were rolling into Loatheb with 5 stacks of Squawk. Didn’t hear a word about it until we got to TBC. Smells like retail around here…

The crazy thing about World Buffs and Squawk is that they are OPTIONAL. Always have been and always will be. If you’re worried about your personal performance, by all means you should get them if you WANT TO BE A TOP TIER PLAYER. Dragging the bar down to your level doesn’t make you the top, it just means the top pushes you down with it.


Who are you to determine what is acceptable gameplay?

Blizzard already said that it was used in OG TBC. Its just used more now because back in 2007 players still sucked

You still don’t know what that means. Everytime somebody on here doesn’t like something, or does’t want to use it they just toss this word out. You devalue the meaning when you use it incorrectly like you do.

I think I’m using the term correctly. The use of a mechanic “by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game’s designers.”

The key words there, IMO, are “advantage” and “intent.”

Does it provide an advantage? Yes, 25% haste is a MASSIVE advantage against PvE content.

Was it intended by the original developers to be reliably stacked up to 25% for boss fights? For me the answer is clearly no.

Do I have a link to where this was explicitly stated? No. Can I read their minds? No. But common sense allows me to state with 99.9999999% confidence that it was not intended that a level 45 item be the most powerful item in the game, which, when stacked, has the effect of increasing an entire 5-man group’s damage by a whopping 25% for four minutes.

I am 99.9999999% confident that it was unintended and that it would have been nerfed immediately had this technique become commonplace in original TBC.


They had to code it to affect your party, and to stack. It’s entirely intentional. Please stop pretending it wasn’t you’re embarrassing yourself.

Seeing how the blue post in regards to it stated they didn’t like how it was being used and they are actively debating on what to do with it. I’d hazard to guess it was not infact intended design. :woman_shrugging:

I kind of like the social interaction of min-max guilds planning the professions that will be placed in each group. There’s a social-puzzle aspect of it that I think is worth preserving if possible.

How does that say that they don’t like how it interacts? Let’s not put words in their mouth.

I was talking about the post before that, where they were thinking about what changes could be made.

They enjoy seeing min-maxers try to outdo each other, that has nothing to do with the chicken, in which they are already planning on making changes to, and already have made some changes to.

Guess you’re just ignoring that part cause it doesn’t support ya. :woman_shrugging: