Does anyone know the exact drop rate for the battle bound war hound? I was just kinda sitting in the arena for a hr or so practicing rotations on different warlock classes when i got it, seems kinda cool i been using it but i didnt find anyone who had a drop rate, also i seen a misconception that you could only get it off of 1 kill a day and that must be false because i was randomly killing these bosses for like a hr and got it on the kill before i left anyway just wanted to see if anyone knew or not, thanks!
According to info on Wowhead it’s 1%
Including self I’ve seen people get it killing Sabriel
Not sure on drop rate, but the Mount Journal Enhanced rates that mount as 24.52% of users having it, courtesy of ‘Rarity Raider,’ whatever that is.
I got it last week from killing some demon who mind controls people. I’ve only killed her a few times, didn’t even know she dropped a mount.
Enjoy farming for it. I had like 230 kills before it dropped.
It was quite the unexpected surprise getting this in my mail after killing some of the arena guys for the world quest.