< Battle Born > 8/10 Wed & Sun

< Battle Born > Alliance Mythic level raiding guild from Sargeras that has been around since The Burning Crusade.

Introduction - We are a CHILL Casual / Semi-Hardcore Guild made up of a ton of skilled & close friends that have played together for years. We don’t expect anything unreasonable from our members but at the same time expect more than bare minimum when it comes to performance, attendance, & consumables. We ride the fine line of having the maximum amount of fun while still being able to run the Raid / Dungeon as efficient as possible

  • Raid Time/Days -
    < Wednesday 9-12pm & Sunday 7-10pm >
  • Recruitment Needs -
    Currently in need of a Lock, Paladin, holy & shadow Priest, would like to have another heal & possible OT. Open to all, players encouraged to inquire
  • Loot Rules -
    Normal loot system MS over OS /roll. In debate of switching to EPGP when raids acquire 40 guild members
  • Contact Info -
    Ryborg , Rax , Eogren , Idotaphd , Bordorn , or Alliriah via Whisper / in game Mail

Any updates?