Battle at Blackrock [Tournament]

Legion of Death Gaming is hosting it's first Tournament for the 2016 year. With us opening up what we're calling a new age for Blackrock, the first step is to involve Blackrock. We're going to begin with a Tournament for February and then in April. February is a 2's Tournament for players of all realms but with stipulations if you're from another realm. Let me explain the "Battle at Blackrock".

Battle at Blackrock is a 2's Tournament taking part on February 27th from 3pm PST to 9pm PST. It's a Tournament for Alliance and Horde alike on the North American, Oceanic, Latin American, and Brazilian servers. Our rewards are Blackrock server specific, but you are permitted to enter from any server.

There is an entry fee of 100Gold per team (Limit of 1 character per person on each team). Your entry fee can be paid on any realm or any faction but preferred on Blackrock.
*Reward will only be given on Blackrock
**You are permitted to enter on multiple toons, but must pay for each team entry. If your team goes against your other toon's team, you must select one toon to play on and your partner will be given the option of forfeit or to attempt a 1v2.

The Tournament is set up to involve a Winner Bracket and a Loser Bracket with a full split between Alliance and Horde. Alliance will compete to crown a top team, as will Horde. The top team for both factions will then compete to be the Champion of the Tournament. The 2nd team for both factions will compete to crown the 3rd and 4th teams.
Why have a 3rd and 4th team? Rewards, that is why!

Rewards for the Tournament are as follows:
1st place: 10,000Gold for the team (5,000Gold per toon)
2nd place: 5,000Gold for the team (2,500Gold per toon)
3rd place: 2,000Gold for the team (1,000Gold per toon)
4th place: 1,000Gold for the team (500Gold per toon)

There is an entry fee of 100Gold per team (Limit of 2 characters on each team). Your entry fee can be paid on any realm or any faction but preferred on Blackrock.
*Reward will only be given on Blackrock

How do I pay for my team's entry fee?
Blackrock Alliance - Mail your entry fee to Vurian
Blackrock Horde - Mail your entry fee to Vurianishere

****When you give your entry fee, you need to tell Vurian the 2 toon names on your team(including their server if not on Blackrock), the specs that they will be playing as, and the team name that you will compete as****

If your character that you are paying from is not on Blackrock, you need to add Vurian on BattleTag or message him on Twitter to schedule a meet-up to collect payment on your server. Vurian#1109 or @Vurian97
*You will need to ensure that your team's leader has Vurian on BattleTag so that he can enter you into matches

The Legion of Death Gaming community will be allowing people to spectate the Tournament through multiple streamers from our guild and from the Blackrock community.

*Select Alliance players will be permitted to join group with Vurian to spectate fights live

Want your stream listed? Contact Vurian! (Participants and Spectator streamers are listed)
I'm just going to put this here to casually bring my post back to the top.
This is still relevant.
The Tournament has been pushed back by 1 week to give people extra time to find a partner. There will be no further delays. We will begin releasing information for the April 3v3 Tournament in the following weeks!
A few teams have finally turned in their entry fees. Don't forget to send yours in!
We are only a week away from the Tournament now! Don't forget to send your entry in the mail as listed above. Thanks!
This probably could have done well in the Arena forums. Maybe for the one in April it should be posted there.

I'll be sending you the gold today for my entry


The team will be Purd and Rykas, and our team name can be Old Farts
This was posted specifically in the Blackrock Forums respectively to bring more of a "Blackrock" playerbase focus to it. Our goal is to host events that are more Blackrock community, less "Pro". We will expand as time goes, but for the 2016 Season, we are going to strictly post on Blackrock.
Entries are closed for the Tournament! 8 Alliance teams and 4 Horde teams are competing!
The old videos still around for this?